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published in(发表于) 2016/8/13 10:13:39 Edit(编辑)
Shaolin monks in Europe before, trained more than 100,000 foreign students

Shaolin monks in Europe before, trained more than 100,000 foreign students(前少林武僧欧洲传功,培训逾十万洋弟子)



Training Shaolin monks in Europe before more than 100,000 foreign students of Shaolin | | monk | foreign disciples _ news

Original title: training Shaolin monks in Europe before more than 100,000 Chan Wu "foreign students"

Shixinghong disciples in Chinese martial arts performances on the fair. Chen Ji min photography

Shixinghong disciples in Chinese martial arts performances on the fair. Chen Ji min photography

CNS, Shenzhen, August 13-title: training Shaolin monks in Europe before more than 100,000 Chan Wu "foreign students"

Author Suo Youwei chenqirenxiaoze instrument

From the Shaolin monks to Hungary national police instructors, Songshan Shaolin 32 Chinese Chan Buddhism for generation disciple shixinghong "open" door of mainstream Western society, through the International Alliance of Chan Wu, has trained more than 100,000 "Yang" disciple, so leaves Chinese Chan Wu opened branches abroad.

The second Chinese industry fairs (referred to as "overseas Chinese trade fair") 13th opened in Shenzhen, shixinghong took him more than 10 bit, "Yang" disciple came to China, performing martial arts, calligraphy and other programs in Chinese fair, and communicate with participants to explore and win public appreciation.

Shixing hung-whose real name is Wang deqing, Songshan Shaolin 32 generation disciple, 9 in the Shaolin Temple martial arts in 1991, 17 years old to go to Italy to teach Chinese Kung Fu at the local Blockbuster, also makes his European affinity. In 1999, the shixinghong went to Hungary, Chinese Chan Buddhism culture.

"I was at the Shaolin Temple martial arts, was one of the monks of the Shaolin Temple's earliest assignments performed, when I wanted to spread the Chan Wu overseas, because I am beneficiary of Chan Buddhism. "Shixinghong, told reporters that he hopes that Chan Wu Westerners to understanding China's doors, started slowly after exposure to the knowledge and wisdom of the East.

First came to Hungary's shixinghong founded the "Hungary League of Chan Wu Association", by a force of Chinese Chan Buddhism in Hungary to fruition. Shixinghong said: "training the first group of pupils took 35 people for nine years, the second group of pupils more than 40 people spent two years, slowly have followers, generation to generation ' open loose leaf ', now has the fifth-generation disciple. ”

In 2001, Hungary police only in Tae kwon do and karate, but is curious about Chinese Kung Fu. Under chance, shixinghong with Chinese martial arts as Hungary police instructors, trained elite special forces and police in the country. Shixinghong said: "because of this status, also makes it easier for Chan Wu in the local community. ”

Shixinghong disciples in Chinese martial arts performances on the fair. Chen Ji min photography

In 2003, shixinghong the creation of the International Union of Chan Wu, the coalition in Hungary, and Italy, and Canada and the United States and 21 countries to establish a National Federation and martial arts centre, Al-Qaida, has accumulated over 100,000 mobile training disciples in 56 countries, and become influential in international martial arts organizations.

Shixinghong Hungary disciple Kong Ming followed from which started in 1999 in his martial arts. Because love, philosophy of history and tea culture in China, Kong Ming used his "hole" words, tea, "tea", which as their name in Chinese.

Shixinghong to teach Chan Buddhism thought has also had a profound influence on pore tea, at the beginning, Kong Ming's understanding of Chinese martial arts are and triathlon, running, swimming, is a sport, but now, he thinks, Kung Fu is a way of life, and Chinese tea, profound impact on his life. Kong Ming Chan Wu is not only Union now a martial arts coach, also is the owner of a Chinese tea house on the ground.

In front of reporters, Kong Ming made no secret of his admiration for master, he says: "shixinghong is my idol. ”

Looking at martial arts performances on the stage of the disciples, shixinghong pleased to say: "my disciples, they are amateur, not a professional. But when practicing Kung Fu of Chinese traditional culture, practice than I am. They used to tell me one thing, they do a lot of sports movement, but felt the best in the world, is time. "(End)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Shaolin monks foreign disciples

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前少林武僧欧洲传功 培训逾十万洋弟子|少林寺|武僧|外国弟子_新闻资讯

  原标题:前少林武僧欧洲传功 培训逾十万禅武“洋弟子”

  释行鸿弟子在侨交会上表演武术。 陈骥旻 摄

  释行鸿弟子在侨交会上表演武术。 陈骥旻 摄

  中新网深圳8月13日电 题:前少林武僧欧洲传功培训逾十万禅武“洋弟子”








  释行鸿弟子在侨交会上表演武术。 陈骥旻 摄






责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

少林寺 武僧 外国弟子


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