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published in(发表于) 2016/8/13 10:13:33 Edit(编辑)
Hubei dangyang power station explosion 6 person control

Hubei dangyang power station explosion 6 person control(湖北当阳电厂爆炸事件6名责任人被控制)



Hubei dangyang power station explosion 6 person control responsible for the Hubei dangyang | | | power plant explosion _ news

The 21 victims were plant workers; equipment involved have all been shut down; accidents mainly due to pipe weld crack

The afternoon of August 11, Hubei dangyang city of madian gangue power generation limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as "Ma Dian power company") thermal power project under construction in the debugging process, high pressure steam pipe explosion occurred, killing 21 dead, 5 injured.

The reporter learned from the State administration of work safety supervision, accidents due to pipeline flowmeter valve weld cracking, a large number of high temperature and high pressure steam overflow, resulting in main control room in the glass to break, resulting in main control room personnel and serious injuries.

Dangyang city officials said current equipment involved have all been shut down, corporate and related persons, 6 control by the police.

  When nearly 600 ℃

Pipe burst at Ma Dian power company site, located in the middle of a thousand-square-meter building. At 11 o'clock in the morning, the plant 3 layers within an area of about 100 square meters room, still in a State of high-temperature hot.

Field staff, when inside a steam pipe ruptured during the debugging process, temperatures near 600, the job of 21 people were killed.

In the core area, a silvery about 1 meter in diameter high pressure steam pipe burst, leaving only inside a small dark-coloured piping, pipe outer membrane and padding completely damaged. Everywhere on the ground pipe outer membrane fragments, can withstand the weight of the outer membrane is also impact deformation of metal.

Close to the incident was a room, separated from by a large window, hit by the burst left framework. Room ceiling was blown up, and shards of glass and twisted metal, pieces of chairs ended, is a mess.

Enterprise legal person concerned is controlled

Beijing news reporters learned from the dangyang municipal party Committee propaganda Department, after the incident, the company has shut down all equipment involved, surrounding businesses also shut down, China's Ministry of public security gate to the scene to carry out strict control and monitoring, and to protect the scene of the accident. State administration of work safety supervision team yesterday morning to dangyang, instruct accident processing work.

Dangyang city Vice Mayor Li Xiaojun said madian gangue power generation limited liability corporation was under control, a total of 6 people under investigation in dangyang city public security organs.

In addition, it is understood that this had occurred in the company's safety and environmental hazards, a similar spill and emission standard, multiple weld crack repair.

This version of interview/Beijing News reporter

Impressive Cao Xiaobo Lin Wang Meng Yao

Intern Di Zhang yangjiangpeng Feng

Gong Chen Xia Jin Jiangxin Zhou Yuan

  Focus 1 crack

  Weld cracking of valve, steam overflow

Madian power company employees, bursting point is at a five-storey factory building, more than 80 meters wide and more than 30 meters, each layer are arranged like the great wall beacon Tower-shaped pipes. First floor has two large generators, behind the House has three large boilers.

Steam leakage point is located on the third floor of the center console, about 20 meters long, separated from the center console between the pipe and double glazing. Pipe diameter 426mm, 300mm thickness of heat preservation cotton and white outer package. "A near body heat, sweat in two minutes, went out in less than 10 minutes to catch his breath. ”

In the view of the workers, steam leaks can kill even a small hole, "like needles, body piercing can be high temperature. ”

What is the cause of the high pressure steam pipe burst?

According to the State administration of work safety supervision message, following a preliminary investigation, main reason of the accident is that 2nd valve weld cracking of boiler steam outlet pipe flowmeter, a large number of high temperature and high pressure steam spilled, master control room caused by glass breakage, main control room caused severe casualties. In the detailed reasons of the accident is under further investigation.

Deputy Chief Engineer of the China National Grid electric power Research Institute introduced Cai Guoxiong, problems of the steam pipe, is the standard for thermal power plant. Operation, typically coal and gangue mixed burning until the end of the boiler combustion produces steam, and steam turbine. Among them, there's some distance between boilers and steam turbines, the accident was this part for high temperature and high pressure steam pipeline.

He said that strength is weaker than other parts of the pipe welding position, if there is a poor weld quality, or in the long run, weld cracking problems may occur gradually. Therefore, on weekdays, is especially important to test for the welds. Typically, after welding, and ultrasonic identification of weld quality, ensuring the safety of each weld. "Once the moment the steam flow, higher boiler pressure and temperature, it may result in cracking."

"The steam itself is not toxic, but the high temperature and pressure, the plant is closed, Shockwave, Windows smashed buildings, men will be pulled down, causing burns and so on. "He said, main control room daily does not require much operational personnel, however, if you are debugging, installation and commissioning personnel are at the scene, hundreds of steam may result in greater casualties.

  Focus 2 victims of identity

  For employees, minimum 22 years old

Gate of the dangyang city people's Hospital intensive care unit, Yao Ping Huang Hualin brother-in-law hadn't slept all night. He explained that the 48 year old Huang Hualin power plant of the "Veterans" in madian village plant for more than 10 years ago when the first factory, also were sent to Jiangxi to learn management instruments.

The day of the incident, Huang Hualin are on the day shift, there are 2 hours off work, however, accidents, he burned an area of 80%. "The body is black, eyes open, blistered hands, legs wrapped in gauze, the words won't come out."

Rowan is the accident of 24 5 injured in the young, is the most serious burns, 90%. "The doctor says there is still a sense, respond to shout his name, to open the eyes was swollen. "Their family members.

Rowan works in power plants only two months, take care of equipment. Previously worked in the chemical fertilizer plant. According to family members, Rowan pipe a little distance from the explosion, so I just got hurt.

Dangyang city Vice Mayor Li Xiaojun said that after the accident, Yichang and dangyang activate contingency plans, the local public security, health and medical services rushed to the scene in the first fire repeatedly entered the scene, dead body were found 21 bodies have all been sent to the funeral home.

Beijing News reporter obtained a list of the victims of the accident showed that 21 dead and 5 injured when JI and Ma Dian power company employees, were dealt with "five social insurance and one housing fund", comes from the Office at baling in dangyang city, Yuyang Office, Wang Zhen, the two rivers town and many villages and towns. The youngest of the victims were 22 years old, is now by matching DNA, further verification of the identity of the victims.

Secretary for health and family planning in dangyang city Gong Xuan introduction, after the accident, 5 injured were sent to the dangyang city people's Hospital, 3 of them seriously, General 90% Burns, suffered shock coma, Tongji hospital in Wuhan, Yichang, Wuhan third hospital, hospital expert consultation, vital signs stable. At present, the relevant departments are mobilized helicopters, 4 wounded transferred to Wuhan hospital for further treatment.

  Focus 3 power plant safety

  Excessive emissions have been checked, there have been leaks

Nearby villagers, the company site was originally a hill in October last year moved from madian village, bulldozed hillsides plant was built.

According to business information, the company was set up in 2002 with registered capital of 100 million Yuan, business scope, including thermal power, slag, ash sales, purchase and sale of coal, ethanol, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, lubricating oil retail, and so on.

According to the State administration of work safety supervision news, founded by China National Chemical Corporation (67%) and Ma Dian gangue power plant (33% shares) jointly funded. The cogeneration project in Hubei Province, the China national development and Reform Commission approved in December 2012, in January last year to start construction. Main equipment installation completed in May this year, with debugging conditions, device debugging starting from mid-June until now.

Hubei Province, according to China's national development and Reform Commission official website information, the total installed capacity of 25MW, content is 4 220T/h high temperature and high-pressure circular fluidized bed boilers (three), with 1 12.5MW back-pressure steam turbine-generator and a 12.5MW steam back-pressure turbine-generator. Last year, China's national development and Reform Commission issued a notice, consent to the spontaneous use of electricity generated by the project for the Chinese chemical industry group, allowance Internet.

Beijing News reporter in a sign of the factory found that the project has a total investment of 800 million Yuan, covers an area of 550 acres, "after the completion of employment can be solved more than 500 people, added 760 million yuan in sales and added taxes of 100 million Yuan, and put into production in May this year."

In August, ' evening news reports, all of the projects put into operation, to achieve "in electricity, energy cascading utilization of heat" for enterprises in the industrial park of centralized heat supply, while also addressing the Park internal coal shale and gas-making furnace slag storage covers and pollution problems.

But the company safety and environmental hazards. Hubei provincial environmental protection Office's official website shows that in the EIA report submitted by the company in 2012, has stated that the main environmental risks, including leakage of oil tank fire after fire and explosion accident; tank spill. Last year, the company has emission standard, dangyang city environmental protection agency investigation.

Company employees say the project anomalies. A dispatcher said some of the steam to chemical companies shipped to China through the pipeline, had once leaks this year, but fortunately there were no casualties.

In addition, one contractor said the company's pipeline repair is more common, "If there is a leak, strip away the heat preservation cotton and welded, and then reload, machine still in operation during this period."

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Hubei dangyang power station explosion responsible

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  曹晓波 林斐然 王梦遥

  实习生 张笛扬 蒋鹏峰

  龚晨霞 金江歆 周圆

  焦点1 爆裂原因







  国家电网中国电力科学研究院副总工程师蔡国雄介绍,出现事故的蒸汽管道,是火电厂的标配。操作中,一般会将煤炭和煤矸石混合燃烧,待锅炉燃烧结 束后产生蒸汽,再用蒸汽推动蒸汽轮机。其中,锅炉和蒸汽轮机间有一段距离,此次发生事故的就是这一部分输送高温高压蒸汽的管道。

  他说,管道焊接位置的强度弱于其他部分,如果存在焊接质量不好,或在长期运行中,焊缝处逐渐发生开裂均可能出现问题。因此,平日里,对焊接处进 行检测尤为重要。一般情况下,在焊接后,还要对焊缝质量进行超声波鉴定,确保每条焊缝的安全。“一旦瞬间蒸汽流量变大,锅炉压力和温度增高,就可能导致焊 缝开裂”。

  “蒸汽本身没有毒性,但温度和压力很高,厂房是封闭的,冲击波会把建筑物、窗户打碎,人一下子会被推倒,造成烫伤等情况。”他说,主控室日常并 不需要太多运行人员,但如果当时正在调试,有可能安装和调试人员均在现场,数百摄氏度的蒸汽确实可能会造成较大的人员伤亡情况。

  焦点2 死伤者身份







  新京报记者获得的一份此次安全事故受害者名单显示,21名死者和5名伤者均为当阳籍,且为马店发电公司职工,均办理了“五险一金”,来自当阳市 坝陵办事处、玉阳办事处、王店镇、两河镇等多个乡镇。遇难者中年纪最小者22周岁,目前正通过比对DNA,对遇难者身份进一步核实。

  当阳市卫生计生局局长龚煊介绍,事故发生后,5名伤者被送到当阳市人民医院,其中3人伤势较重,全身90%烧伤,一度出现昏迷休克情况,经武汉 同济医院、武汉市三医院、宜昌市医院专家会诊后,生命体征基本稳定。目前,相关部门正在调动直升机,将4名伤员转至武汉三医院接受进一步治疗。

  焦点3 电厂安监





  湖北省中国国家发展改革委员会官网资料显示,该项目总装机25MW,建设内容为4台220t/h高温高压循环流化床锅炉(三开一备),配1台12.5MW背压式 汽轮发电机组和一台12.5MW抽汽背压式汽轮发电机组。去年,省中国国家发展改革委员会下发通知,同意该项目所发电量为华强化工集团自发自用,余量上网。






责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

湖北当阳 电厂爆炸 责任人


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