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Xinhua News Agency, four questions about the Israeli-Palestinian project: technical innovation or a money-spinning? ,

Xinhua News Agency, four questions about the Israeli-Palestinian project: technical innovation or a money-spinning? ,(新华社四问巴铁项目:技术创新还是变相敛财?,)



Xinhua News Agency, four questions about the Israeli-Palestinian project: technical innovation or a money-spinning? -Bar iron, Airbus-IT information

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 7, Reuters new media questions: visit BA project: technological innovation also has signed cooperation agreements with Government of Qinhuangdao is a money-spinning?

Recently, the "BA iron" after testing in Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao city, Hebei province, plagued by public opinion to question. There are three main questions: whether a project was approved by the Government, fundraising is legal, technical feasibility. Reporter visits Pakistan this iron test site, and interviewed Pakistan's iron science and technology development limited company (hereinafter bar iron technology), stakeholders and related government departments.

Witnessed: BA tie still account for road test deposit

On August 2, the "bar of iron" road testing began, reporters found that "BA iron" road testing for more than a month, local villagers are affected, testing of twists and turns.

5th, the reporters arrived at the village of Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao city, Hebei province, the station "bar iron" test section. Compared with road tests a few days ago, not the crowd of onlookers, test car "BA Fe 1th" quietly stopped at big blue inside the shed, erected around the black curtain, some wearing "BA iron" clothing of staff into and out of, with his kick.

"Iron 1th BA" under my wheels track occupied both lanes, extending 300 meters to the North, all with barrier walls, a hand guard, the whole section leaving only two lanes for traffic on the West side. There are buses or large goods vehicles pass through this stretch, speed decreased.

Reporters saw this named fumin road road road sign line, and the forbidden sections of yellow "bar of iron". This closed the middle of the road, is the village of Beidaihe railway station entrance, is stopped by a fence. Some villagers told reporters that the "bar of iron" test road closure has been for more than a month, has been around a while ago, and villagers ' daily life is not easy, "humbled."

This reporter has learned that "Pakistan iron" when conducting road tests for the first time, the process did not go well. One of the "bar iron" staff told reporters that the day of the 2nd test and debugging in a hurry; about half an hour before the test began, a group of "Pakistani iron" powered battery fails, the test was delayed by 1 hour.

"BA iron" project was approved by the Government?

Media reports, Qinhuangdao and Beidaihe district-related departments are not aware "bar iron" projects. Ba Tieke technical supervisors, shareholders of Bai Zhiming told Xinhua that Hebei local government learn of the incident: "we signed with the Government intent and framework agreement. ”

Bar iron Technology Assistant Li Yani told reporters that the Corporation and Qinhuangdao city signed a strategic cooperation agreement, signed project cooperation agreement with the Beidaihe District Government, was established at the Beidaihe experimental lines 1 km, but due to the road conditions are not satisfied, adjusted to 300 meters. Agreement also includes the construction of 10 km in the model line, in the next 120 km of lines are also planned.

Press contact on the agreement with the Pakistan railway company the Qinhuangdao municipal party Committee propaganda Department and Beidaihe district propaganda department. Beidaihe district then contact the information centre staff reporter, said entrusted by the Qinhuangdao municipal party Committee propaganda Department, to reply the message.

Message display, Qinhuangdao city traffic-intensive of the tourist season, the city has been trying to solve the traffic congestion problem. In April this year, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with bar iron technology, Qinhuangdao city people's Government, to be held in Qinhuangdao city construction "BA iron" projects research and Development Center. In July, the Qinhuangdao city government and the iron Beidaihe district science and technology selected the station village, fumin road sections as "BA iron" test line. Bar iron technology to track pavement, a temporary platform built Assembly commissioning and the provisional Assembly, model test car barn construction. Term of cooperation as of August 31, 2016, separately negotiated after the expiry of the trial run. During the term of cooperation, Beidaihe district station village, fumin road test line segment BA iron technology, provided free of charge to use. After trial period, according to the agreement, the company required road is repaired.

Funding doubts: whether private equity law?

Media reports, China win win Kay Holdings Limited, Beijing China asset management limited (hereafter referred to as China win Kay), and iron technology and Chinese construction companies-Union Corporation (hereinafter referred to as built in) are associated with Bai Zhiming, and complex relationship, suspected of alleged misuse of funds. According to media reports, "BA iron" projects will fall is unclear, raised on available for sale financial items, suspect arrested for illegal fund raising.

BA said Bi Danlong iron law of science and Technology Director, funded mainly by the company shareholders, private equity fundraising. Bai Zhiming said, he is the Chairman of China win Group and China win Kay, the latter is the former's subsidiary, China win Group purchased song Chau bus rail technology patents, set up the bar iron technology; Bai Zhiming bar iron technology shareholders, supervisors, not Chairman. Jianlian China win Kay independent guarantees.

Bai Zhiming said that "Pakistan iron" total 104.7 million Yuan to raise funds. Among them, Bai Zhiming as shareholders invested 40 million Yuan, Beijing issued two private equity investment funds management limited, populations who have investment capacity and ability to resist risks for sale, 1 million cast, annual yield of 12%. Issue raised 22.8 million, second-stage raise 41.9 million. BA iron technology development limited, funds are more than more than 100 people spending, and vehicle manufacturing, road construction and other costs.

In China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association Web site to press enquiries found that Beijing's investment fund management, management of the funds to update information for January of this year, is "operational."

Journalists in Beijing enterprise credit information network see, "Beijing win Kay" business information below has 3 warnings. Information includes two administrative penalties, one of which refers to the company "was not legally registered as a limited liability company, or Corporation, and used on behalf of the limited liability company or joint stock", and penalties of a fine of 10,000 yuan. In addition, the company also has a "directory of business exception" message, included in the reasons for "through the registered place of residence or business cannot be contacted." "Beijing China win Kingdom to invest in a company limited by guarantee" also has 2 information on administrative punishments, one of which is "dissemination of promotional materials without authorization".

Reporters at the Ministry of Civil Affairs website, published by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the fourth instalment of "offshore societies" "cottage communities" list, "Federation of Chinese construction companies" list, Bai Zhiming previously served as President of the Association.

Calls to Beijing Municipal Bureau of financial work "authority box", the staff answers the phone had an unpublicized blacklist to combat illegal fund-raising or China WINS judge Kay arrested for illegal fund raising.

Beijing Commerce and law firm partner Li Hong ji, "said BA iron" raised is unreasonable because the project, still at the experimental stage of the project, the distance far, fundraising and commitment in such a situation 12% the annualized rate of return, there is suspicion of misleading and deceptive. But is that really cheating, you also need to analyze the use of private equity, this nature is unknown to people outside the company.

Beijing Liao and Gu Liaohai, sea-law firm partner on "bar iron" enterprise, a number of companies associated with the same person, although not explicitly illegal, but will cause the associated risk, needs to attract the attention of investors and regulators.

Technology battle: the iron "confident", experts have doubts

Technical feasibility is "BA iron" was an important reason for questioning. There are media that "BA iron" there are bulky, heavy and difficult turns, passenger escape, a sense of oppression on the vehicle at the bottom, and so on.

In this regard, Bai Zhiming said that "Pakistan iron" vehicle will set up electronic lighting technology, similar to the ads in subway tunnels, eliminating depression and illusion to reverse resolving back issues.

"BA iron" weight issues, Bai Zhiming said each car loaded with a weight of 36 tons, four cars add up to more than 100 tons of pressure distribution in the area 60 meters long, 8 meters wide, roads can bear.

Turning difficult problems, Bai Zhiming said that "Pakistan iron" each carriage for flexible connections and two-section bus connection of the same principle, according to "bar of iron" turning radius data, both no problem. Car ahead turning away from the "bar of iron", and "BA iron" body will be installed a traffic light system, can be linked with the traffic lights interact. For escape, crossing a bridge issue, Bai Zhiming said that "Pakistan iron" can rely on technical improvements solve.

National development and Reform Commission, Director of the Institute of comprehensive transportation of urban transportation Cheng Shidong, from a technical point of view, "BA iron" concept implementation is difficult. First of all, "Pakistan railway" high weight, Center of gravity, it is easy to roll, there is a certain risk. Secondly, the "bar of iron" high requirements on the width of the road and "BA iron" to the height of the vehicle is only about 2 meters below, cannot be guaranteed by all the vehicles even roads wide enough, "Pakistan railway" bridge height restrictions. Third, based on the width of the track, "BA iron" turning radius is large, corner "bar iron" underneath the vehicle through a degree of risk. Finally, the "bar of iron" is not easy to solve the problem of road intersections, due to the large turning radius, "BA iron" is not suitable for most of the road intersection, in addressing the intersection of traffic congestion issues of little significance.

新华社四问巴铁项目:技术创新还是变相敛财? - 巴铁,空中巴士 - IT资讯

新华社北京8月7日新媒体专电题:探访巴铁项目:曾与秦皇岛政府签合作协议 技术创新还是变相敛财?





























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