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published in(发表于) 2016/8/4 1:19:28 Edit(编辑)
Why try so hard and good to the last drop-step merge? Perhaps worry Lyft one step ahead,

Why try so hard and good to the last drop-step merge? Perhaps worry Lyft one step ahead,(滴滴为何着急和优步合并?也许是担心Lyft抢先一步,)



Why try so hard and good to the last drop-step merge? Perhaps worry Lyft one step ahead-drop, step-IT information

August 3, announced on August 1 to the last drop bid and China , currently there are, based on reasons why merge the two, besides the official reason, the current Wall Street Journal Nike·Kalu (Rick Carew) in his report has revealed another reason: drops of worried Lyft may merge and Uber.

Lyft is United States taxi application, is Uber in United States of competition opponents, according to Nike·Kalu of reported, at drops drops travel and Uber reached trading of determination does not firm, this year May, investors are has began worried Uber to and drops drops travel compete for market and input of billions of dollars cash for acquisition, and but investors and drops drops discuss may of trading programme Shi, was has drops drops of refused to. As the Uber's business in China has grown, drops and Uber competition in the Chinese market has been horrible. At that time, Uber in the United States the largest competitor Lyft hired, Qatalyst Partners is to help technology companies looking to buy investment bank known for its parties. Drops of worried Lyft combined one step ahead and Uber, which prompted the management to the last drop is nervous and decided as soon as possible, and mergers and acquisitions deals Uber.

And worth noting is that also drops funding background behind Lyft, last December drops Lyft have reached a strategic alliance, but also to invest US $ 10 million for the stake. Now drop and China merge, clearly Lyft caught in an awkward position.

滴滴为何着急和优步合并?也许是担心Lyft抢先一步 - 滴滴,优步 - IT资讯

8月3日消息,滴滴出行于8月1日宣布收购优步中国,目前基于两者为何选择合并的原因推测有很多,除了官方公布的原因,目前华尔街日报记者尼克·卡鲁(Rick Carew)在他的报道中又披露了另一个原因:滴滴担心Lyft可能会和Uber合并。

Lyft是美国打车应用,是Uber在美国的竞争对手,据尼克·卡鲁的报道,当时滴滴出行和Uber达成交易的决心并不坚定,今年5月份,投资者们已经开始担心Uber为了与滴滴出行争夺市场而投入的数十亿美元现金用于收购,而但是投资者和滴滴商讨可能的交易方案时,遭到了滴滴的拒绝。而随着Uber在华业务不断壮大,滴滴和Uber在中国市场的竞争已经惨不忍睹。而当时,Uber在美国最大的竞争者Lyft聘请了,Qatalyst Partners是一家以帮助技术公司寻找收购方而闻名的投行。滴滴担心Lyft抢先一步和Uber合并,这促使滴滴管理层感到紧张,因此决定尽快和Uber达成并购交易。


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