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published in(发表于) 2016/8/4 1:09:35 Edit(编辑)
Ransomware earn per year? Report: about $ 34 million,

Ransomware earn per year? Report: about $ 34 million,(勒索软件每年能挣多少钱?报告:大约3400万美元,)



Ransomware earn per year? Report: about $ 34 million-hackers, cyber crime-IT information

United States Cisco Systems has released reports that hackers use currently Ransomware attack is on the rise, it was projected to get about $ 34 million a year, while institutional and individual violations such as this are not ready.

Ransomware attack appears starting in 2013, is one of the major threats in recent years. As a supplier of network solutions, Cisco network security in 2016 projections in the report, hackers use Ransomware attack succeeded average $ 300 per month on average more than 9500 people pay "ransom".

Report said, network hacker using of series extortion means including : frequently created false website, to attract potential extortion object browse; with website within fishing software scan user computer operating system and the browser by containing security vulnerability; to user computer within conveying extortion software, then lock died computer or encryption data, requirements user paid "ransom", to for lifted lock of "secret key".

According to the report, Cisco network devices used by the analysis of the 115,000 enterprises, found that "106,000 of which device is running the software is known to be vulnerable." In addition, the researchers found, September 2015 to March 2016, with malware-related Web site traffic increased dramatically, one reason is that even if the software vendor vulnerabilities made "patches", many users failed to download and install.

"The lack of transparency, is the crux of the problem in this respect, thus giving users exposed to attack. "Cisco believes that network security professionals rely too matter-of-fact single point solution and used to determine the implementation of programme priorities specific" diagnosis "approach attempts to sporadic, decentralized way to prevent attacks, and not based on security challenges in a global perspective, resulting in users from falling into the hands of the attacker, was succeeded by attackers.

The Silicon Valley companies concluded that the protection of existing systems can not symmetrical disposal of cyber attacks. Even defensive adjustment, coping strategies and upgrade prevention tool, the hacker still has ample room to engage in criminal activity, and "the next round of Ransomware attack expected ability to invade and to resist (Avira) capacity will be stronger".

Cisco recommends that enterprises should be developed and tested response plans, not easily believed page link and the so-called "security certificates" to remind staff to threats of malware infections in the browser while "organizations and individuals preparing now, back up your critical data and ensure this type of backup will not miss".

Apart from other online security authority previous assessment, Cisco Ransomware attack resulting in the loss of the estimated amount is relatively low . Less than a week before the company released its report, Europol announced that it would join hands with two multinational companies, software to set up a Web site in response to extortion.

勒索软件每年能挣多少钱?报告:大约3400万美元 - 黑客,网络犯罪 - IT资讯









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