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published in(发表于) 2016/7/23 7:45:50 Edit(编辑)
Unexpected drive, when the supermarket signs placed in the wrong places......,

Unexpected drive, when the supermarket signs placed in the wrong places......,(猝不及防就开车,当超市的标牌摆错了地方……,)



Unexpected drive, when the supermarket signs placed in the wrong place ... ...-supermarkets, marketing-IT information

When visiting the supermarket, the vast majority of people are not particularly concerned about the surrounding environment. They are just in a hurry to enter and find the products they need, and then check out. It is no problem, but the next time when you go to the supermarket, I suggest you be under careful observation. Sometimes those misspelled or misplaced signs will make you laugh all day.

United States BoredPanda art blog site recently counted the funniest sign error in the supermarket. Of course, there are also many unexpected signs, they are not nothing wrong. Sometimes, they even deliberately put wrong, is part of a marketing plan.

▲ School, go to school, you need to

? Happy Valentine's! However ... The gift that really appropriate?

? Give her a surprise!

? Our business for 9 days a week

▲ Infant nutritional supplements wine--

? Your intelligence impaired, you are all retarded!

? Good taking it?

? Suitable for most children in children's toys

? BlackBerry BlackBerry-free (so what you are selling)

?? this is watermelon? You repeat this watermelon?

? My home "dog" (waving bye bye)

▲ In the supermarket is also forcing the guard on the train

? Picnic supplies, field supplies, this is it?

? Most sincere condolences

? Immediate fast food (and there's nothing wrong)

? Supermarket goods, there are recreational fish for sale

▲The sold innocent children, 4 of them buy, fair trade!

▲ When lemon squeeze orange juice

Send mother's day toilet spirit, eyeballing your result would be like this:

猝不及防就开车,当超市的标牌摆错了地方…… - 超市,营销 - IT资讯






















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