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published in(发表于) 2016/7/23 7:45:23 Edit(编辑)
Lost valuables claims 110,000 men by plane: judgment of the Court of 180 yuan,

Lost valuables claims 110,000 men by plane: judgment of the Court of 180 yuan,(男子坐飞机遗失贵重物品索赔11万:法院判赔180元,)



Lost valuables claims 110,000 men by plane: judgment of the Court 180-passenger aircraft, air-IT information

IT news , July 23, in recent days, Shanghai Liu flew lost a weight 1.8 kg, equipped with precious items of checked baggage, for which it took the airline to which the plane belongs to court, claims 110,000 yuan. Shanghai changning District Court recently heard the case, however, because of lack of evidence, court decisions in accordance with the industry standard of 100 yuan per kilogram, Mr Liu 180 yuan of compensation.

Such of case in previously has occurred had number times, previously has users Cai Mr in luggage checked process in the value 260 million yuan of enamel color was fell into debris, last is only by pounds compensation, and this case in the of Liu Mr said, its a took a Airlines flights by Zhengzhou flew to Shanghai, and arrived Shanghai Hou found in checked of luggage in the a box with precious items of carton missing has, so to airlines handle lost items registration procedures. But Mr Liu reflecting the airline did not actively look for lost items, but to delay, stall, after negotiations failed, then the airline to court, claims 110,000 yuan.

Mr Liu said, lost in cardboard boxes, where more than more than 70,000 yuan worth of luxury watches and gold and silver jewelry, another 20,000 worth of ious, and important documents such as certificates, requiring airlines to compensation for the economic losses and the travel delay compensation for replacement documents of more than 19,000 yuan, a total of nearly 110,000 yuan.

Shanghai Mayor Ning Court by two times public court trial case, court aspects think, out tourism,, will easy carry of precious items carry carry should is common sense, this case plaintiffs reported of precious watches, and gold and silver jewelry, and claims voucher, and degree proved, items, volume are is unlikely to, can carry carry, while, accused on plaintiffs reported items whether store in lost luggage in the proposed questioned, plaintiffs no on provides evidence proved, so, plaintiffs need bear proof adverse of consequences. Therefore, Chang Ning Court recently made the first-instance judgment in this case, the defendant airlines should compensate the plaintiff Liu 180; dismissed the remaining claims.

男子坐飞机遗失贵重物品索赔11万:法院判赔180元 - 客机,航空 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月23日消息,近日,上海市民刘先生坐飞机遗失一件重1.8公斤、装有贵重物品的托运行李,为此它将该飞机所属航空公司告上法庭,要求索赔11万元。上海长宁区法院近日审结这起案件,不过,由于证据不足,法庭判决航空公司按每公斤100元的行业标准,赔偿刘先生180元。




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