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published in(发表于) 2016/7/22 7:54:49 Edit(编辑)
Broadband optical fiber, Foshan, Shanghai, frequent cutting: involve 90% region,

Broadband optical fiber, Foshan, Shanghai, frequent cutting: involve 90% region,(上海、佛山宽带光纤频繁被剪:涉及90%区域,)



Broadband optical fiber, Foshan, Shanghai, frequent cutting: involve 90% region-broadband, China Mobile, China Unicom-IT information

IT information news on July 22, in recent days, one fact said, Foshan, Guangdong, Shanghai, and Hong Kong broadband lines have suffered the cut event. Just recently, Foshan also publishes the official news: from 19th at 13:00, mobile has received complaints from broadband users on the network is not normal. Confirmed, in 1 hour, a total of 10 mobile broadband broadband be cut lines, the affected users is estimated at 1000, and cut line property is still on the increase.

Netizen network optimization of mercenaries in the micro-blasting material, said "in January-June this year, five districts and a total of 177 properties encountered in Foshan trimmer black, covered households of more than 40,000 people, nearly 5000 people affected users. ”

Not only are Foshan, according to revelations, Shanghai Unicom end last month also suffered extensive damage, in addition to Shanghai, the light has been cut, damaged already covered area of the Shanghai 90%, although the public has alarm, but with little effect, or broadband lines appears to be cut.

According to reflect, cut broadband lines use the light box can be the original lock, and padlocks are also difficult to live after the black hand, cut already end but there is no skip fiber bundles of pipes, stole into the end plate, have a very bad effect, looks like insiders understand business.

上海、佛山宽带光纤频繁被剪:涉及90%区域 - 宽带,中国移动,中国联通 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月22日消息,近日,有网友爆料称,上海、广东佛山两地宽带线路频繁遭遇被剪断的事件。就在不久前,佛山移动还发布官方消息:从19日下午13:00开始,移动方已经接到相应宽带用户关于网络不正常的投诉。经确认,在1个小时内,共有10个使用移动宽带的小区宽带被剪线,受影响用户估计达1000户,而且被剪线楼盘目前还在增加中。

网友 网优雇佣军微信爆料称,“今年1-6月,佛山五区共有177个楼盘遭遇剪线黑手,覆盖住户超过4万人,受影响用户近5000人。”



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