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published in(发表于) 2016/7/21 8:47:28 Edit(编辑)
Jiangsu Xuzhou Suining Apple stores by thousands of people in containment, patriotic to be reasonable,

Jiangsu Xuzhou Suining Apple stores by thousands of people in containment, patriotic to be reasonable,(江苏徐州睢宁苹果专卖店遭数千人围堵,爱国也要理性,)



Jiangsu Xuzhou Suining Apple stores by thousands of people in containment, patriotic or rational-Apple store, Kentucky Fried Chicken-IT information

"The boycott of American goods, let Apple get out of China. "A woman wearing a black and white striped short standing on the cement platform, under shouting through a megaphone to onlookers who shouted, next to 4 young men proclaim from the chime. This is a scene on July 19 around 9 o'clock in Suining, Jiangsu, a crowd of people with short hair woman shouted slogans.

Subsequently, the Ukrainian press group of people walked in Suining County, Zhongshan North Road, 6th at the Apple store. Phoenix got 2 live video, you can see from the video, a man pushed the "Suining Apple store" glass door, followed by a woman to proclaim from into, leaving many people in the doorway watching.

Zhu Yawei is the owner of the Apple store, he told Phoenix TV has dozens of people shouted slogans rushed to his store, the process lasted more than 10 minutes, but "without any extreme behavior."

In an interview in the process, Zhu Yawei has stressed that this is not a value of the news, "such things happen in the country." But Zhu Yawei don't think dozens of people rushed into the store was bad, in his opinion, these people "is just a problem with the way".

Protests from affected KFC Zhu Yawei Apple store. Zhu Yawei memories rushed into the store an hour before, some 300 meters from the Apple store KFC outside shouted "love China" slogan, followed by more and more people gathered at a Kentucky Fried chicken. According to Zhu Yawei memories, assembling up to 3000 people.

Protesters block the door people stood outside the KFC, Zhu Yawei told Phoenix TV, they lead from the KFC criticism. "The crowd more than more than 100 plainclothes", in addition to shouting slogans, there was no physical confrontation.

Phoenix Su huining, Vientiane calling KFC fruit store, the other to "just came back from the field is not clear," declined to comment on the.

Zhu Yawei Apple store is the first to be exposed by the "patriots" impact, while Hebei leting after some containment of KFC, similar things are happening all over.

July 17 and 18th, some people in Tangshan, Hebei leting the containment of KFC, criticism of Kentucky consumption of people from the "education", and "you eat is the United States of Kentucky, losing face for our ancestors" banner. Then containment of KFC's "wave" spread all around. According to media reports, including Hebei Changli, Changsha, Hunan, CHENZHOU, Pujiang County, Zhejiang Hangzhou, Jiangsu Yangzhou, Lianyungang, sihong, linyi, Shandong, Anhui chuzhou, Guangde boycott KFC incident, ningguo and other places. Events also continued to ferment, media showed the Shandong institutions teachers organize students to KFC called "patriotic" slogans.

Recommended reading : Xinhua editorial "smash iPhone": they toss themselves are not patriotic

江苏徐州睢宁苹果专卖店遭数千人围堵,爱国也要理性 - 苹果专卖店,肯德基 - IT资讯











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