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published in(发表于) 2016/7/19 10:36:47 Edit(编辑)
United States networking force: specially developed malware against ISIS,

United States networking force: specially developed malware against ISIS,(美国组建网络部队:专门开发恶意软件对抗ISIS,)



United States networking force: specially developed malware against ISIS-network attacks, ISIS, terrorism-IT information

United States Cyber command, Michael s. Rogers form a network unit, the force developed malware components as well as the digital arms, used for digital war with ISIS.

Early this year, the Pentagon requires Cyber command cyber attacks against the Islamic, unfortunately, according to United States Washington Post reported that cyber command has not been fully prepared, network tools are lacking for attacks, and persons engaged in this task are not suitable for this work. Washington Post also pointed out that the new team known as the "God of joint task force (Joint Task Force Ares)", they perform tasks that may include: destroy terrorist organization's payment system, destroying terrorist organizations keep contact tools, and more.

By using this special task force at the Pentagon can also reduce the risk of civilian casualties, such as attack cut off the hideouts of terrorists through the network communication system, without the use of bombs and other weapons in combat. However, even if God of war when joint task force responsible for offensive operations, their task is not to find targets for the army, but in Iraq and Syria within the ISIS network attack on the organization.

Pentagon officials told the Washington Post that, the task force's future will be in global missions.

美国组建网络部队:专门开发恶意软件对抗ISIS - 网络攻击,ISIS,恐怖主义 - IT资讯

美国网络司令部上将Michael S. Rogers组建了一支网络部队,这支部队专门开发恶意软件组件以及数字化武器,用来开展与ISIS的数字化战争。

五角大楼在今年年初就要求网络司令部对伊斯兰国发动网络攻击,不幸的是,据美国华盛顿邮报报道,网络司令部尚未做好充分的准备,用于发动攻击的网络工具非常缺乏,并且从事此项任务的人员也并不合适此项工作。华盛顿邮报还指出,新的团队名为“战神联合特遣队(Joint Task Force Ares)”,他们执行的任务可能包括:破坏恐怖组织的支付系统、破坏恐怖组织聊天联络工具等等。



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