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published in(发表于) 2016/7/19 10:36:17 Edit(编辑)
Friends chip “sold bad lying to donate“ prevailed over 30% users don’t trust,

Friends chip “sold bad lying to donate“ prevailed over 30% users don’t trust,(朋友圈众筹“卖惨骗捐”盛行,超三成网友不信任,)



Friends chip "sold bad lying to donate" prevailed over 30% users not trust-raising, circle of friends-IT information

Network platform raised up because of the financial development of the Internet. Young people have dreams, but lack of funds, hoping to bring the activities of social organizations, unsustainable due to family financial difficulties in the treatment of seriously ill patients, have the opportunity to raise access to financial support through the network.

In July 2011, with the first company website has raised not only sharp rise in number of platforms, raised patterns, product innovation. Raising network, such as Taobao raised, everyone voted and other well-known platforms emerge, all raised related to public welfare, business, film and other fields. By the end of 2015, the raised platform of the country's normal operations reached 303, distributed in 21 provinces.

However network all raised of development also with with some "noise", some platform for itself should mismanagement, run only one years around on was forced to closed; also some platform on all raised project checks not strict, funds flows into mystery, led to General netizens participation network all raised project of enthusiasm declined, project sponsors "sold miserable cheat donated", and platform operation not clear, are will network all raised to has opinion of outlet.

Case one

Falls girls help anti-question

In early July, 5-year-old girl, Leshan, Sichuan Yi Xin from the neighbor's 5 floor Bay window falls. After the incident, his family launched a 700,000-worth of "easy chip" project, only 14 hours to complete the fundraising target, and get extra money. With huge fund-raising goal, someone pulled out the online identity of one Jasmine parents, and questioned why it decided not to sell a House to save women, contributions, such as how to regulate sounds spread across the network.

Even a few involved in the raising of users apply for a refund. Chengdu business daily, according to the latest reports, the project has been commissioned by charity charity regulation in Leshan city, families also promised one Hing after recovering, money balances, all donated.

Case two

Raised thousands of Taobao cherry cheated

In February, a man claiming to be under the jurisdiction of Guan Li Zhen Dong nanzhuang village, qixia, Yantai, Shandong, "University student village officer" cherry chips on veteran Zhang Ruifeng project. Just a month to get almost 8000 people support more than 1 million Yuan funds raised.?Some consumers found on receipt of cherry, Yantai City, Shandong province of origin may not be propaganda, and cherry quality is relatively poor. It was found that Zhang Ruifeng village identity was forged.

Network chip, the legal evening news reporter 2,556 user message randomly found, Ultra 40% one think credit is the biggest risk facing the networks to raise Super 6 adults, networks raise supervision needs to be strengthened.

User voice

@DDYY: "small is beautiful" projects limited, raised platform for traffic, was forced to publish substandard projects, did not adhere to the quality.

Front power: the equity raising are still in stage of vigorous development, far from being comes to an end, just needs time, regulators, practitioners, entrepreneurs and investors more time to explore and accumulate.

Magic bear: If investors tender sense of lack of involvement, project sponsors to give a presentation and be done, some late progress has not reported. Raise merely reduced to a futures buying network.

Liu Ming: the Chinese market mainstay now credit level, if not properly monitor network platform will be quickly raised to play bad.

朋友圈众筹“卖惨骗捐”盛行,超三成网友不信任 - 众筹,朋友圈 - IT资讯










今年2月,一名自称是山东烟台下辖栖霞市观里镇东南庄村“大学生村官”的张瑞峰在淘宝网上发起樱桃众筹项目。短短一个月获得近8000人支持,筹得100多万元款项。一些消费者在收到樱桃后却发现,产地可能并非是此前宣传的山东烟台,且樱桃的品质也比较差。 更有人发现,张瑞峰的村官身份也系伪造。



@DDYY :“小而美”的项目有限,众筹平台为了流量,被迫发布滥竽充数的项目,没有坚持精品化。

车前当道: 现在的股权众筹还处在蓬勃发展的阶段,远未走到末路,只是需要时间沉淀,给监管方、从业者、创业者、投资人更多的时间去探索和积累。


刘明 :以我国市场主体现在的信用水平来看,若不善加监管,网络众筹平台将被迅速玩儿坏。

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