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published in(发表于) 2016/7/18 6:43:10 Edit(编辑)
SOFTBANK to sell company stock to light: acquisition of ARM,

SOFTBANK to sell company stock to light: acquisition of ARM,(软银卖掉阿里巴巴股票之真相大白:收购ARM,)



SOFTBANK to sell company stock to light: acquisition of ARM-Softbank, acquisitions, ARM, Alibaba-IT information

This morning a heavy news spread in the circle, currently Japan SOFTBANK has agreed to £ 23.4 billion ($ 207.2 billion yuan) price ARM, this transaction will also be the United Kingdom out of the EU after that first big takeover deal . In fact, if the deal is completed, it will surpass Microsoft led before English became the most important tech acquisitions this year.

In fact careful readers will be able to find in Japan SOFTBANK finalization prior to this decision has a number of advance preparation:

First, reduction of Ali for the first time in 16 years the stock

As one of the big three Chinese Internet companies, when Masayoshi Son, met Jack Ma, the phase, in the case of uncertainty without opposition multiple times also does not show the attitude of the King Ali totals more than 80 million dollars, listed when Ali 34.4% of shares in this case May 31, SOFTBANK announced the sale of US $ 7.9 billion of SOFTBANK shares eventually cash in the amount of us $ 10 billion.

Upon completion of the transaction, SOFTBANK's stake will be reduced to 28%, while SOFTBANK said the deal from the SOFTBANK Group on capital structure and reduce debt needs, this becomes the value of SOFTBANK in this year's biggest selling.

II, sold most of the gaming company GungHo, Supercell holdings

This Hou soon, soft silver again selling has Japan phone game manufacturers GungHo shares, and GungHo aspects to 73 billion yen (about collection Yuan 4.58 billion yuan) recovered has 90% equity, actually from has soft silver sequence, and will Finland famous game manufacturers Supercell shares all sold to Tencent, plus in SC employees among acquisition of shares, fulfill has Tencent for this famous game manufacturers of Chase, Tencent amounted to get about 84.3% of shares.

? Masayoshi Son

Masayoshi Son for observation and reflection of the industry is profound, in its investment companies have successfully before you can see that in addition to mobile gaming and e-commerce, Masayoshi Son, has found a new continent. Masayoshi Son, the measure known as "SOFTBANK 2.0 part of the transition strategy", in order to achieve sustainable growth, we need to find all the potential obstacles and find ways to solve it. Among them, the AI is Masayoshi Son, has high hopes.

Strong, Masayoshi Son is more optimistic about the technology has become the industry leader in enterprise, and the ARM is in line with these conditions.

As the mobile Internet era "Intel", ARM in mobile chips to work according to its 2015 results in 2015, the fourth quarter, ARM authorized a total of 51 chip licenses, main applications: mobile computing, smart cars, safety systems and the Internet of things. The smart car also has covered in weak cases continues to grow market share, and choose to cooperate with SOFTBANK, never tried to ARM is not a good thing.

Japan soft silver company and just a software company, except investment zhiwai, its in wireless, and broadband, and Internet, and IC design, and computer hard software aspects are has dabbled in, and these direction is ARM by needed extended of focus, ARM of ambitions in future is has may is will home chip extended to more of field and Intel, international giant competition, especially some was Intel by monopoly of field.

But this does not mean that Alibaba has become a thing of the past, in the aftermath of the reduction of SOFTBANK Ali still has the right to speak, but because of its investment in United States carriers Sprint performance, SOFTBANK's debt burden is extremely serious, difficult to solve the debt problem of the moment, perhaps change building on stability is Masayoshi Son, SOFTBANK's transformation under a range of thinking big.

And ARM became his choice.

软银卖掉阿里巴巴股票之真相大白:收购ARM - 软银,收购,ARM,阿里巴巴 - IT资讯















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