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published in(发表于) 2016/7/18 6:43:01 Edit(编辑)
SOFTBANK acquired exposure ARM details: still needs United Kingdom Government finally approved

SOFTBANK acquired exposure ARM details: still needs United Kingdom Government finally approved(软银收购ARM细节曝光:仍需英国政府最后批准,)



SOFTBANK acquired exposure ARM details: still needs United Kingdom Government's final approval to-ARM, SOFTBANK-IT information

According to the associated press on Monday, Japan SOFTBANK and United Kingdom ARM chip design company announced that SOFTBANK will invest £ 24.3 billion to buy ARM Holdings Company.

Associated press reported that the acquisition shows that SOFTBANK for Internet marketing ambitions.

In addition, in the United Kingdom from the European Union after the referendum, Sterling slumped, which gives foreign takeover of United Kingdom assets provides an excellent opportunity. Previously, China's Wanda Group had acquired the United Kingdom a cinema company.

SOFTBANK said the company's Board has approved the deal, but shareholders in ARM Assembly and United Kingdom agencies still need to approve the deal. ARM has recommended shareholders approve the deal. Softbank, through statements, hopes the deal can be completed at the end of September.

ARM Chairman John Chambers (Stuart Chambers) that SOFTBANK's acquisition plan for the company's development will be promoted, SOFTBANK has promised to invest in the company, employees will double within the next five years.

ARM was founded in 1990, currently employs more than 3,000 people worldwide, the company's main assets include chip design technology and in the field of patents, but the company external partners such as Apple authorization chip design, the company does not directly produce processors for smartphones.

SOFTBANK is Japan large mobile operator after buying United States mobile operator Sprint, but in the revitalization of the United States company encountered resistance.

Not long ago, Nikesh Arora, President of SOFTBANK, separation, Masayoshi Son, staying in power in Softbank, which is after a personnel change in SOFTBANK's first major asset transactions.

ARM said the 95% of the world's smartphones and 80% of digital cameras using the company's technology. In addition, the new augmented reality helmets, biometric sensors, automatic driving automobile, commercial UAVs, smart watches also use the company's technology.

SOFTBANK to buy ARM news encouraged, ARM Holdings shares rose 510 pence on the London Stock Exchange to 1699 pence, or 42.89%.

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软银收购ARM细节曝光:仍需英国政府最后批准 - ARM,软银 - IT资讯





ARM的董事长钱伯斯(Stuart Chambers)表示,软银收购计划对于公司发展将是一个推动,软银已经承诺将会对公司进行投资,未来五年内员工将翻一番。



不久前,软银总裁Nikesh Arora离职,孙正义继续执掌软银大权,这也是软银高管人事变动之后进行的第一次重大资产交易。








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