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published in(发表于) 2016/7/18 6:42:07 Edit(编辑)
Careless driver forgot to lock the car, Apple iPhone6s,Plus off all the way,

Careless driver forgot to lock the car, Apple iPhone6s,Plus off all the way,(粗心司机忘记锁车,苹果iPhone6s,Plus掉了一路,)



Careless driver forgot to lock the car, Apple iPhone6s Plus-iPhone6s,iPhone6s Plus-IT information

"Well, we have seven cases out of the car, can ask the police for help and look for. "Hear this call, Yuhang district, 110 civilian police are sure to ask what exactly lost. Logistics company truck driver said, everybody grinning: 7 boxes of Apple iPhone mobile phone, all of iPhone6s Plus model, 64G, 10 per case with a combined value of more than 460,000 Yuan RMB.

? Missing scene

Happens on July 15, 2016 at 9 o'clock, Pingyao police station received a driver surnamed Hu when the alarm has been more than 10 points.

Hu said their morning from Yuhang Pingyao Bridge Road 99th good based on the Tesco hypermarket, carrying goods, to go out two or three miles, found that the rear-view mirror is blocked by open door. This found the van door open! Quickly pull a look out! All digital products, less the tip of the iceberg.

After tallying less 7 iPhone mobile phone, 1 Huawei mobile phones, worth at least more than 460,000 yuan.

Their parking is a new 104 State Road, Wu Shan Road, drive time do not know, can only speculate about 8:50.

Drivers angrily said: clearly locks OK, where's the hustle, opened the door, stole cell phones?

? Missing scene

Is hustle, really wants to make a mark.

Pingyao police Zhu Liliang received the alarm, comprehensive mobilization of staffing services to prepare quickly called the police station to find these missing cell phone and began a detailed inquiry for help at this point, drive through what few roads? What route?

According to the driver's story, a look at his map in mobile phone software, starting from the Bridge Road, after Xiang Peng line, huaxing road, the new State Road 104 ... ... Although the road is very short, but turning a few bends! Xiao Zhu police know.

Police station to monitor is not so easy to find out, along with monitoring and control of the units one by one to ask.

But Zhu police judgement saved everyone's time greatly-he, Ah, first find crossroad traffic lights turning on the monitor.

Really give him right! This full-bodied red van after leaving, Hua Xing Road, and the intersection of the new kiln road, encountered a traffic light, stop. At the start, rolling off the back rolled off three boxes!

The next traffic light, Feng XI Lu, Hua XING road intersection, red truck stop, start, the car and rolled out four boxes.

See monitor, two truck drivers face as red as cars.

Well, is it really forget to lock?

Hustle? No ... ... After all this, after all, two or three minutes of time!

? Two careless drivers and stolen cell phone

The sun shining white, Tan people's eyes, took a few steps, they can feel the sweat on the skin like a river flowing through it.

Police came, guys, there is no way, responsibility, go out to help the careless driver phone gone.

Police continued to search the monitor left, no one picked up the phone?

Really see that two boxes someone pick it up, put it in his car, also stood by the roadside for a while too! But did not see the owner came and picked up the phone also drove away, still have to continue to find their whereabouts!

Finally, monitoring officers in Ping yao Zhen Hua Xing Road, "lang's traditional Chinese medicine" next, found all three this blue box phone disabled car.

They haven't had time to start, Pingyao was a middle-aged man walked into the police station, "have the people lost everything to find Ah? ”

What a coincidence? Guys, amazing rounded eyes.

Haven't had time to eat lunch of Zhu's civilian police and quickly said, "there is! ”

The disabled car and drove the master called him seven pounds. He said that found three boxes of iPhone mobile phones.

Master Sun and police seen on the monitor. He said: I saw the falling truck box, afraid of a passing car and crushed it, then moved to my disabled car, I waited on the roadside and no one came, I went to pick up her daughter class. Children eating a NAP now, I went to the police station to ask.

Sun master is shy toward the police station in a cargo box, registered identity, just with escape quickly away.

Zhu's civilian police and everyone is happy, then confidence was enough!

According to the monitor display, the remaining four mobile phones, was taken away by a man riding a tricycle, tracked all the way to ping Yao Zhen colorful shopping mall. Xiao Zhu police Scouts shuttled to, I asked, is it near a tobacco store owner.

Small-business owners named Lu Jianjun, he saw police ask, glad to say: "just right! Saved me a trip! "He said, delivery through the intersection and saw lots of cars to avoid these boxes driving, danger again, he first moved to the side of the box. For rush delivery, he think things on the roadside do not trust, went on first and put it in his car. Lu bosses also guessed most of domestic express firms lost, think always on the box label information such as telephone number, unexpectedly delivered the goods, these boxes does not have any signs. When traffic police that afternoon he was going to do, put these boxes in to the police, the police had come.

It is said that a few days later, 460,000 mobile phone stolen and logistics companies, you may want to visit thanks greatly to the two kind people. Seven pound master, Lu Jianjun Sun boss, and Pingyao police station July 15 civilian police and auxiliary police officers were on duty, you can really give Yuhang, Hangzhou people, from Zhejiang Province have added luster.

▲ Master Sun seven pounds

? Lu Jianjun boss (pick up to 4 boxes of mobile phones)

粗心司机忘记锁车,苹果iPhone6s Plus掉了一路 - iPhone6s,iPhone6s Plus - IT资讯

“不好了,我们车上的七箱货掉了,能不能请民警帮忙找一找。”听到这样的求助电话,余杭区110民警肯定要问到底丢了什么。物流公司的大卡车驾驶员一说,大家都合不拢嘴:7箱苹果牌iPhone手机,清一色的iPhone6s Plus型号,64G的,每箱10只,总共价值46万余元人民币。




































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