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published in(发表于) 2016/7/17 6:20:34 Edit(编辑)
Giant lizard supermarket to get cool, user: real-world animals crazy,

Giant lizard supermarket to get cool, user: real-world animals crazy,(巨型蜥蜴超市蹭凉,网友:现实版动物也疯狂,)



Giant lizard supermarket to get cool, user: real-life animal madness-giant lizard supermarket to get cool, lizard-IT information

On July 17, according to the lunar calendar, today officially entered the dog days, means that the hottest season of the year. Dog days this year for 40 days, July 17 "rufu", August 26 "dive location Confusius". Enter dog descendants will certainly feel the heat, but animals are no exception.

Recently, due to the sweltering, Thailand a giant lizard ran to a Tesco supermarket blow air conditioning to get cool, attracted a large crowd of frightened scream.

Surveillance video shows, this giant lizard was alone climbed to the gate of the supermarket, stops under the air conditioning stopped exports, caused a stir after, two men arrived at the parking lot outside the supermarket.

This netizens said, "this is the real-life animal madness", "honestly, air conditioning in the supermarket do cool" ... ...

(IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

巨型蜥蜴超市蹭凉,网友:现实版动物也疯狂 - 巨型蜥蜴超市蹭凉,蜥蜴 - IT资讯






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