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published in(发表于) 2016/7/16 8:01:23 Edit(编辑)
Chinese international school mess: cheating costs artificially high, is utilitarian education

Chinese international school mess: cheating costs artificially high, is utilitarian education(中国国际学校乱象:成绩造假费用虚高,现功利化教育)



Chinese international school mess: cheating costs artificially high is utilitarian _ | | school international school of education news

Original title: chaos international school surveys

By cheating and other reasons reported CIA international school in Shanghai, has been Canada Ontario Department of Education officially canceled its eligibility to provide Ontario secondary school credits, which come into effect on July 14. Shanghai International School of CIA official told China business newspaper, the school no longer enroll students this year.

In recent years, the wide popularity of international education, international schools in China has become a gimmick to attract buyers of real estate projects. For avoidance of the Chinese education system, or in order to study abroad in the future, parents are sending students to international schools.

But because of the different entrance, quality of students, educational objectives and management philosophy and the different international schools like clumps.

One in the United States live a decade of Tsinghua graduates, just pretend to be first-rate educational resources international schools in China, in fact, both at home and abroad are not.

Cheating, terminated issuing credits

According to the Ottawa Citizen newspaper reported that the Shanghai Group of Canada take CIA school teachers to Canada Ontario Department of education events that expose school fraud, says CIA, Shanghai International schools paying students from rich families and improve their performance in order to obtain Canada University.

Schools participate in student cheating and the target is naked "Qian Xue." A teacher was fired for explicitly rejected changes to student achievement. Multiple teachers after a formal report to the provincial government, Canada Government of Ontario launched a detailed investigation. Finally in recent days to cancel the decision of the Ontario high school diploma qualification issued.

Toronto court document stated that provincial inspectors in April to the school and found no eligible school school principals, not enough Ontario certified teachers as well as unknown Ontario Department of education change the mode of operation. Provincial Government provided 80% for teachers of teachers ' associations of Ontario (OCT) certification, but CIA of ten teachers at that time, only three certified OCT. Three campuses in the Ontario Department of education don't know Wen Lai campus campus presence.

Mei Yi before the school teacher (David May) says his students English ability is poor, half of them failed in the mid-term. Asked the teacher, "artificially inflated" student achievement. Poor students again, as long as 6000 Yuan can eligibility for the exam.

According to Hong Kong media Ming Pao reported, was cancelled to provide Ontario secondary school credits, after qualifying on June 27, the CIA international school has hired a lawyer for the Ontario Department of education applied for judicial review of the above decisions, said Education Department of malicious termination of the agreement, total disregard for the educational interests of the students and graduates of the school, and since the school was founded in 2004, by inspectors on a regular basis in the past.

Shanghai International School of CIA staff told reporters that the school enrollment this year. But ask other questions, staff members declined to be interviewed. As of press time, the principal of the school and a number of admissions phone unable to connect, and the school's official website has also been unable to open.

Shanghai International School reservation center official told reporters, the school has opened 12 years before but never heard its name, did not do any promotion and marketing activities this year because Canada and Government support, want to expand enrollment and be too huge.

It is understood that the CIA international school Shanghai is the Ontario Department of education signed a cooperation agreement of 21 international school, one of the students in Ontario secondary school diploma will be granted credits. Ontario Department of education data show that CIA was the first issued was cancelled educated overseas private schools in Ontario.

Regulatory gray area, school fees were challenged

According to the Shanghai international school recruitment advertisement of the CIA said, the school charge tuition, 95,000 yuan each year, 5000 books, and other expenses. According to the Ottawa Citizen newspaper reported that the CIA in Shanghai international high school students pay the full price of books, but is the original black and white copy of the textbook.

Xiong bingqi, Deputy Director of the Institute for 21st century education reporters, international schools and bad, some of the fees are high, but there is no guarantee of teaching quality, students ' legal rights have been violated. Appeared these problem, while due to regulatory poor, has many from private education institutions, and training institutions even is company, they by Professor of international courses "go of is not degree education of way", so its review sector both not completely belongs to local of education organ, also no into business sector of management, belongs to regulatory of "grey zone"; on the, is is students select international school Shi blind follow.

International schools generally high tuition fee, also caused some parents to question. In recent days, members of the public through a Web site within the Sichuan province "in politics, Sichuan" platform for local Guangyuan Tianli international school questioned the charges, called Junior freshmen charge standard for 28000 Yuan/year, finished three years of junior secondary will have to pay 80,000 yuan, plus living expenses you'll need more than 100,000 yuan. In this regard, the parents said: "there are compulsory, such charges justified? "In Guangyuan city, Sichuan province, China's national development and Reform Commission charges Management Department official told media that, in accordance with the standards approved by the price Department, Guangyuan Tianli international school tuition fees should be charged at the standard as elementary, Middle 18000 per annum meta.

Education is a required course for every family. Shenzhen science and technology General Manager Li Jin as a middle-class, education very seriously. In his view, the international school of some shoddy, making worship money. "Not many good international educational resources, depends on time, big business based on long-term, in a spirit of public service to education, taking the road of commercialization for short term benefits are not. ”

Reporters found that more than 100,000 Beijing International School tuition fees between ~30 million. Beijing City International School Advisory Office staff, high school tuition up to 260,000 yuan a year, not including meals, accommodation and other expenses. Such projections, high school for three years to 780,000 yuan tuition alone. Fruit of Zhongguancun international school teachers believe that inflated some schools just to hype, but schools generally do not set their own tuition information is particularly expensive.

High tuition fees corresponding to the level of education can meet international standards? "At the international school, circle of friends is powerful, easy to do after. "Recently, from an international school had just graduated from high school prepared to leave the Monkey told reporters that the annual school fees for 60,000 yuan, but felt the quality of students and not, usually festive parents give the teachers give a red envelope.

"International schools is the essence of a bridge through Chinese and Western education, but now the bridge peculiar forms, it is difficult to walk. "Li Jin believes that international school charges but cost is not high, uneven. "Will put the future of many children to the ditch. "Government, business, personal, domestic and foreign, is education. "To identify, you can select the most suitable for their own path. ”

Xiong bingqi, advises students to select schools, don't just look at the school's propaganda, and to learn more about the faculty, curriculum, school management and graduated students go, but also rational analysis of their own personality and ability, long term strategies for academic and career planning.

International education into utilitarian School of education

"A truly international school, should face the world enrollment, students from all over the world. "Xiong bingqi, believes that Chinese international school or class is in fact studying abroad preparatory course for secondary schools,. Reporters found that students who attend international schools, a small number of select international due to a failed local primary and high schools, in part to escape the exam-oriented education, but most of the students to study abroad.

Students from Jiangsu Liang (a pseudonym), Tian he international school graduated from junior high school to the high school. For him, choose after graduating international school is to go to the United States to go to College. "Compulsory education in Jiangsu are the examination-oriented education in China, Jiangsu students hardest, while international international school environment, it's not that exam. ”

"International schools differ from public schools, thought differently. "Zheng Junhao in sea bright international school high school had the same feeling. Because they don't like the traditional way of parenting and education before choosing to attend international schools. "Public schools are too hard, couldn't finish the job, done the problem. ”

Many families choose the international school, which itself was intended to prevent the child from being tortured examination-oriented education in China. Li Jin believes that most international education now is "a red heart, preparations on both hands", not from examination-oriented education.

Because she expressed dissatisfaction with the way for public school teachers to educate children, small told reporters that from primary five onwards, themselves on the Dalian Maple Leaf Chinese Restaurant international school, now about to enter high school. But he felt, international education is another way of examination-oriented, each section of the class performance, tests, quizzes are counted toward the final score, is equivalent to the test every day. "Although there is no one-volume life of feeling, but every serious, or because some of the subjects failed to retake. ”

College entrance exam is a grueling, Coco told reporters that some places in international schools abroad is limited, competition is intense, IELTS score to achieve University requirement, assignments must be completed, otherwise it fail. "Our school even though they can interest classes, professional direction, but also can not just learn, to consider how to improve the average. ”

"The purpose of education is to make everyone's life better, international education is the same. A good education should be a personalized, diversified education. "Xiong bingqi says foreign secondary school different from a secondary school in the country's largest, is to advance the credit system, to provide students with many courses for their freedom of choice and evaluation of students ' multiple, rather than single score evaluation in China. "But now international alienation for utility careers education education in our country. In the utilitarian view of success under the influence of some international schools are still chasing the schools, that there will be no foreign students ' personalities, interests, losing the essence of giving students the right to choose. ”

Zhongguancun international school a teacher surnamed Guo said some international culture also teach foreign teachers in the school, this is just a formality. "For Chinese students, taught in English, students learn is difficult, depth and breadth are difficult to reach. "Small can have a Chinese lesson every day, including the Chinese, politics, history, geography, taught by Chinese teachers. "These lessons to get diplomas in China. ”

International school, is a truly international education? "Good educational content and forms of education, regardless of the so-called West. If a school has a modern educational system, can be used by teachers, according to the school's training location, select the appropriate school curricula, teaching materials, suitable for the cultivation of students ' growth model, that the school will form its own special characteristics. "Xiong bingqi, believes that due to the lack of such a school system, mentioning education, just think of internationalization of teachers, international teaching materials and curricula, but it is not international, also has led to" wholesale Westernization "controversy.

Xiong told reporters that international education is international school system schools, with the school system, and then we solve the problem of integration. "For example, taking into account the students ' practical, calligraphy courses school, the curriculum can be said to be local and also international. And Canada opened the Opera class in middle school, is a combination of student and local curriculum. ”

Responsible editor: Zhang Xiaoya

Article keywords:
International School of studies

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中国国际学校乱象:成绩造假费用虚高 现功利化教育|国际学校|升学_新闻资讯









  多伦多法院法庭文件指出,安省教育厅4月派员到该校督察,发现学校没有合乎资格的驻校校长、没有足够的安省认证教师以及未知会安省教育厅改变营运方式。安省政府规定,80%的教师须有安省教师协会(OCT)认证,但上海CIA当时的十名教师中,只有三名有OCT认证。而三个校区中,安省教育厅根本就不知道Wen Lai campus校区的存在。

  该校前教师梅易(David May)称,他的学生因为英文能力差,有一半人期中考试不及格。校方要求教师“人为提高”学生成绩。学生考的再差,只要交6000人民币就能获得补考资格。





  监管灰色地带 学校费用遭质疑










  “真正的国际学校,应该面向全世界招生,生源来自世界各地。” 熊丙奇认为,我国的国际学校或国际班,其实是出国留学预科学校、预科班。记者调查发现,读国际学校的学生,少部分由于考不上当地初高中而选择国际学校,一部分为了逃避应试教育,但大部分学生是为了出国留学。











国际学校 升学


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