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published in(发表于) 2016/7/16 8:01:17 Edit(编辑)
Beijing girl as a result of training teachers of molesting, occurs in one-to-one teaching

Beijing girl as a result of training teachers of molesting, occurs in one-to-one teaching(北京女童遭培训班老师猥亵,多发生于一对一教学)



Beijing girl as a result of training teacher molestation occurs in one-to-one | indecency | course _ news

Original title: training courses keep "indecent" summer risk prosecution to remind parents to be vigilant

Beijing News preview teaches breathing methods, teaches calligraphy, leg press ... ... Training teachers take advantage of education opportunities for children in cases of indecent assault have occurred. Chaoyang prosecution messages received at the hospital in the first half of the year 3 teacher molested children in criminal cases. Prosecutors warned that summer, parents send their kids to training courses to be alert to children to be obscene.

A typical training course on child molestation case occurred in May this year. Sun introduced by the prosecution, 5, Meng came to police in the company of his father, saying that since December last year, has been long times of molesting, cucurbit flute teacher. According to the investigation, previously, Meng's parents Meng and her 7 year old brother to dragons, cucurbit flute, guitar lessons by Professor long respectively. In cucurbit Meng counselling process, the Dragon in the name of helping girls to practice abdominal breathing, touch the small parts of the body, and reached into a child underwear to touch their genitals. Young Meng does not understand this situation, until his father asked her class in the chat details of the incident.

Prosecutors said that from 2014, Chaoyang District, Beijing people's Procuratorate is not censorship of teachers molesting students have handled criminal cases, only in 2016, 3 in the first half. Not many cases of teachers molesting students overall, but serious nature, a bad influence. In such cases, mainly in the various training courses, especially in the teaching of one single, than the normal teaching of physical contact. Such as yellow in a child molestation case, Hwang Department victim's calligraphy teacher to correct writing position for the victims by touching private parts of victims, convicted of child molestation when sentenced by the Chaoyang Court.


After a number of violations were detected

"The cases according to the statements of victims whose violations were not the first to suffer from the same teacher, some up to more than 10 times. "The Prosecutor introduced, criminal suspects by using the taught alone conditions, hidden space abuse, young threatened by the suspect to tell the parents of the victims, was repeatedly violated or only after the parents were unaware of abnormal cases.


Sun a convenience of use as a dance teacher, for example, lied to the victims the leg press, has implemented multiple times victim obscene until a Sun alone imposed against a victim, victim's mother happened to be pushed open the door into the victim mother exposes the truth in this situation. Now, Sun has been Chaoyang District Procuratorate approved the arrest according to law.


His acts on summer weekends

Secondly, the suspects caught a minor without the presence of parents the opportunity to implement his acts. 5 cases occurred during winter and summer vacations, weekends. 2 of which the victims parents send their kids to the generational family managed, 2 2 children is at the same time be sent to the teacher's Office and another 1 is a separate child counselling.


Lu some guidance, such as fitness training after the end of the murdered boys, in the name of rubbing into the bathroom where the victim, lewd acts against the victim too shy to accompany his grandmother mentioned this until mother asked about the incident by telephone. Lu has been sentenced by the Chaoyang Court.

Responsible editor: Zhang Xiaoya

Article keywords:
Obscene training

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The Beijing News
北京女童遭培训班老师猥亵 多发生于一对一教学|猥亵|培训班_新闻资讯

  原标题:培训班存“猥亵”风险 检方提醒家长暑期提高警惕

  新京报快讯 教呼吸法、教毛笔字、压腿……一些培训班老师利用教学机会对儿童实施猥亵行为的案件时有发生。朝阳检方消息,今年上半年该院接到3起老师猥亵儿童的刑事案件。检方提醒,正值暑期,家长送孩子去培训班要警惕孩子被猥亵。






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猥亵 培训班


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