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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:58:35 Edit(编辑)
Night lights downside: would “wither“

Night lights downside: would “wither“(晚上持续亮灯的坏处:人会“萎”,)



Night lights downside: would "wither"-turn on the light, muscle atrophy-IT information

On July 15, according to the daily mail of London Road, a new study shows, you may eat healthy food and exercise regularly, but also to note remember to turn off the lights, they have healthy habits. Studies have found that when you turn on the light and keep the brightness at night, the potentially adverse health effects.

In mice several months found that if continued exposure to light can lead to weak. Netherlands Leiden University Medical Centre in yuehanna·meiyeer (Johanna Meijer), said: "our research shows the light-dark cycle is very important to the health of the environment. Environment the lack of rhythm will severely undermine many health parameters. ”

These factors include the immune system caused by inflammation, muscle atrophy and osteoporosis early. Researchers said they observed physiological changes lead to people or animals appeared in the age of "weak". However, in Current Biology, (current Biology) published the report also had some encouraging news.

Dr Mayer said, the good news is that we found out later these adverse health effects are reversible, as long as the restoration of the environment light-dark cycles on the line. Study the relationship between lack of light-dark cycles and diseases, Dr Mayer and her colleagues put the mice under light for 24 consecutive weeks, measuring several key health signals.

Signals found by reading the animal brain activity, continued exposure to light under the circadian rhythm control centers of the brain--the normal rhythm of suprachiasmatic nucleus – 70%. When researchers measured muscle strength, he found, the normal light-dark patterns and circadian rhythm of destruction leads to drop in animal skeletal muscle function.

Worrying is that their bones show signs of deterioration, entered only in pathogens or other harmful factors found that inflammation in the State. But in the mouse back to the standard light-dark cycle for 2 weeks, brain cells quickly returned to their normal rhythm, their health problems are also reversed.

Results suggest that people should be more considering the intensity of the light, especially elderly people. Estimated world population 75% under exposure to light at night, nursing homes and ICU are often 24-hour lighting, patients, doctors and nurses have been exposed to the light. Dr Mayer said: "we used to think of light and dark are harmless or neutral stimulus is harmless to health. Now we realize that research indicates this is not the case of laboratories around the world. ”

She said: "it may not be surprising, because life is evolution under the sustained pressure of the light-dark cycle. We seem to be in this loop optimization, the lack of which would affect the health. "The researchers identified" exposed to light matters ", and they also plan to twist the light-dark cycle on a more in-depth analysis of the impact of the immune system, research on other normal light-dark cycle if there are any good effects on patient health.

晚上持续亮灯的坏处:人会“萎” - 开灯,肌肉萎缩 - IT资讯


对老鼠进行数月试验发现,如果持续暴露在灯光下,会导致身体虚弱。荷兰莱顿大学医学中心的约翰娜·梅耶尔(Johanna Meijer)表示:“我们的研究显示环境的光暗循环对健康很重要。环境节奏的缺失将严重破坏很多健康参数。”

这些因素包括免疫系统引发的炎症反应、肌肉萎缩和早期骨质疏松。研究人员称,他们观察到的生理变化都指向一般人或动物在衰老时出现的“虚弱”。然而,在《Current Biology》(当代生物学)出版的这份报告也有一些令人鼓舞的消息。






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