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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:57:10 Edit(编辑)
Zuojiang, Guangxi petroglyphs on success of cultural landscapes world heritage site

Zuojiang, Guangxi petroglyphs on success of cultural landscapes world heritage site(广西左江花山岩画文化景观成功申遗)



Zuojiang, Guangxi petroglyphs on the cultural landscape heritage of success (photo) | petroglyphs _ news

Original title: China's success left the petroglyphs on the cultural landscape heritage

China Youth online Beijing, July 15 (China Youth daily online reporter Jiang Xiaobin ? green) local time on July 15, in Turkey Istanbul meeting of the 40th session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO, left the petroglyphs on the cultural landscape heritage is successful, become the 35th World Heritage site, the 49th world heritage also implements inheritance of rock art breakthrough in China. China's world number ranking second in the world.

Cultural landscape is located in the city of Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region left the petroglyphs, include ningming, Longzhou, in Jiangzhou, fusui County area of 38 paintings paintings, 4,050 image, 109. 5th century BC to the 2nd century AD, ancestors of the Zhuang nationality luoyue people on both sides of the zuojiang River and its tributaries Ming Jiang on the cliffs of more than 200 kilometers, drawing a huge red ochre rock paintings.

New world cultural heritage contained in ningming, Longzhou, in Jiangzhou, fusui County area of 38 paintings paintings, 4,050 image, 109. Among them, as the ningming petroglyphs area maximum, the picture most focused, content-rich. Italy aimanuer·anadi evaluation of prehistoric art history experts, "Guangxi's Hua Shan precipice frescoes, hundreds of meters long picture, that thousands of years ago, they already have their own Temple".

Lan Riyong, Deputy Director of the Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, heritage experts say left the petroglyphs on the cultural landscape are common works of nature and man. Paintings mostly in bend of the River, facing the tall cliff to water, the screen mostly above water 15~100 meters, up to 130 metres, opposite often have an open platform. Pictures for many sideways portrait around a tall, dress special standing squat human form, was the luoyue people, collective primitive religion sacrifice dance scene. Screen drums, percussion instruments remains the local festivals.

"The unification of the ' squat humanoid ' image painting expression and steep, the mystery of the original religious overtones, the Millennium fade paint pigments, show the ancient wisdom of the luoyue people, reflected the social and mental Outlook. "Lan Riyong said.

It is reported that shennongjia in Hubei province to apply for world natural heritage is also in the process of being reviewed.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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The petroglyphs

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责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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