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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:57:01 Edit(编辑)
Surviving Chinese memories of Nice Fright Night: killer trucks from passing

Surviving Chinese memories of Nice Fright Night: killer trucks from passing(幸存中国人回忆尼斯惊魂夜:夺命卡车从身边驶过)



Surviving Chinese memories of Nice Fright Night: killer trucks from passing

After the European Championships concluded successfully, France confidently declared to the world, from the security aspect, "won the European Championship", but on the national day, completely lost to terrorism.

Nice about 10:30 P.M. local time on July 14, when people still immersed in Fireworks and band music in the just concluded, 31, Tunisia-born Frenchman Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove heavy trucks rented from nearby towns, masquerading as ice-cream delivery man, without causing the police suspected cases, towards the Golden British walking Avenue in vehicles is strictly prohibited.

In about 10 minutes, a truck into a crowd, transform direction 2 km, people knocked down back-to-back like Domino pieces.

The coastal paradise of laughter, the moment become a bloody scene.

First, suffered terrorist attack brush with death

Along the Eastern Mediterranean winds British walking Avenue, is the France one of the main sights in the southern city of Nice.

In 18th century, moved to Nice, United Kingdom nationals this coast road was built at his own expense. Hotel Casino, blue water and sky, Palm trees and flowers and pebbles beaches, its Eastern Mediterranean the most fascinating of all, "World War II" was the European royalty and the nobility until the seaside resort.

Annual fireworks show held here on July 14, is the France national day of routine program. 227 years ago on this day, Parisians to capture the symbol of the feudal rule of the Bastille, which opened France revolution began.

3 minutes late for this year's show than usual, 10:03 fireworks show began and lasted for 20 minutes. 28 Lin can't wait to take out your cell phone when you are finished, open the Pokemon Go--this is a real-world exploration of Pokemon that appear in catch, fighting and the exchange game, is popular all over the world.

Lin came to settle in Nice a few years ago, has recently become obsessed with Pokemon Go, catch a "Pikachu" to post screenshots to your circle of friends to show off. He did not think the game saved his life

National day of the coast signal strength is poor, broke in less than 5 minutes a game, Lin took the side of the home with girlfriend and 13-year old brother.

Sea Breeze came wrapped in Eastern Mediterranean flavor and moisture, Lin saw people walking walking on the road, still on the national day in an atmosphere of joy.

Chinese Zhang Yu is also on the beach. He and his girlfriend after the show, and listen to the song, wants to go home.

34 Victor Zhang has lived in Nice for 15 years, he loves this beautiful city every year to attend the national day celebrations.

Walking Avenue, Victor Zhang walked, girlfriend and memorable performances. 10:28, Victor Zhang looked up and saw the head-on on the road about 20 meters away, a white truck. This truck is in Nice are not uncommon, mostly used for freight.

Victor Zhang wondered, the normal situation where vehicular traffic. But when vehicles pass by the side of the police car, the police did not respond, Zhang Yu think is normal, probably the truck came in with the band's musical instruments.

Truck approaching the crowd, suddenly began to accelerate. While only about 10 meters from the truck, Victor Zhang transverse to the direction of the beach quickly pulled his girlfriend away.

Return to God, and trucks have crossed their forward speed, running over the crowd opened 10 meters away.

People start screaming to escape. "A lot of people standing still and didn't react, still, after all these were run over by a car, run over by a truck just like dominoes to fall. ”

Others fear runs along vehicle tracks crammed, was crushed under the wheels.

Victor Zhang immediately over his girlfriend's eyes, walking road moments from becoming Ashura the hell. Baby carriage was hit directly, infants are thrown into the air; some people scared and could not move, living to be hit; someone was run over by a car in two and fell in a pool of blood ... ...

People screaming, running, shouted for help in various languages for visitors.

At this time, Lin 50 meters to the beach, the crowd began to scream, and ran behind. His first reaction is to hit the terrorist attacks, calling girlfriend and brother to run with.

In my mind that IS a terrorist shooting crowd scenes, Lin ran faster and faster.

Second, survived stepping on the corpse to run out

Worried about trucks along with other terrorists, Zhang Yu pulled his girlfriend jumped to for a walk on the beach next to the road, continue to back Ben.

At this point, people are frantically fleeing to the beach, more than 100 people jumped into the sea to avoid terrorist attacks.

And walking on the road, the truck, fell into pieces on the ground, escaping stepping on the corpse to run outside.

Victor Zhang went to the neigesi near the hotel, the men gathered here was slightly less. Mad monster truck is still like a hair into most places.

Victor Zhang recalled that after about 5 minutes, drove to the location of the Casino, and the guns. Police finally started.

Starting from charges, forced by the police to stop, after about 10 minutes, truck walking on the road about 2 km.

A witness recorded the scene of the attack. Video, truck driving into the crowd, next to a motorcycle, looks to stop the truck, but powerless, there are two men suspected security personnel chased the truck runs. Trucks from dozens of meters to crowds gathered after the suddenly accelerated into a crowd.

Victor Zhang told the Sohu news party, before the scene in the video, truck has been hit by a lot of people. "The trucks get anywhere, the whole process is based on the s-shaped route forward. ”

According to police, in the process of driving the truck in 2 km at least 1 course, this clearly shows that the truck driver to cause maximum casualties.

Truck rampage in the walking Street, Victor Zhang with his girlfriend ran all the way home.

Lin did not see the truck. He ran with the crowd, after a while, he finds his girlfriend and brother got separated. He wanted to go back for, but can only be pushed forward by people.

He arrived at the square near the junction, and some people hid in roadside shops. He wants to go out from the shop looking for a girlfriend and brother, was stopped by a store owner.

Lin with a girlfriend on a cell phone, she ran back to the House, but the brother does not have any audio.

Hiding for a while in the store, see the movement out too few, Lin decided to go home. When I got home, the younger brother has not come back, the family began to worry, rushed out to find. Lin is not particularly worried about my brother, he did not hear gunshots, know that there is no subsequent insurgent attacks.

Not long after, he received a call from a family member, police sent his brother home.

"When looking for my brother, I'm not worried about his safety, just afraid of his cold. "A few years ago to work in Nice Lin knows, France South of honest good will take care of the children.

13 year old brother apparently was not aware of the seriousness, looking calm. He was supposed to have followed my brother, no steps on being an uncle picked him up and was taken to an ice-cream hiding in the basement. After a while, uncle to send his brother to the road police, returned unharmed.

Lin asked his brother: "were you scared? "Brother replied:" no, they are holding a glass bottle in his hand, the bad guys to hit. ”

11 o'clock, Zhang Yu and his girlfriend returned home safely. Live news of the terrorist attacks on TV, the app is full of friends anxiously asked, he respond to reported peace, sleep only 4 points.

C, ex-post accountability why the police response so slow?

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel truck driver killed by police that night, nice, but far harder to make up for the pain.

Raiders 31, is the Tunisia-born Frenchman. In it of 19 tons of heavy truck, police found a large number of arms and ammunition. Police said that according to preliminary information shows that terrorist attack did not appear on any terrorist list, there are no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Although police later prompt investigations, but Victor Zhang extremely dissatisfied about reaction before the terrorist attacks.

He told Sohu news parties ":" at the beginning, the police have not made any reaction, no sirens, and fired warning shots. Each junction has a police car, but I do not know why the police did not react. ”

Until the truck hit someone, but after 5 minutes before the police responded, but it was too late.

Zhang Yu said many nice local people are angry about the slow police response, "why truck come so far, the police did not react? Siren ringing, people hear, they would have to guard against. ”

According to media reports, the truck driver before the crash, had claimed he delivered ice cream to Nice Beach Road. But for this, Victor Zhang more discontent, on walking Street are closed to traffic every year, allow traffic police duties.

There were media reports police force stop and the terrorist attack killed Gallant. According to the BBC report, France told a member of the National Assembly, a female police officers jumped on the bomber was driving the truck, trying to stop him.

But, on in one week Qian, France Parliament in Paris fear hit Hou established of assessment Committee released has after 6 months of survey, think due to intelligence system completely "not to force", last year caused 147 people killed Yu terrorists for France of attack, including Charlie weekly Office, and a Jewish grocery store and November occurred in Paris outside stadium, and Concert Hall more at of serial fear hit.

The Committee considers that France in the case of terrorist attack, many attackers earlier in France intelligence agencies on the monitoring list, but due to poor surveillance, intelligence sector poor ventilation, they had the opportunity to commit.

In the list of the terrorist attack the perpetrators although no intelligence monitoring, but many a criminal record.

In addition to the lack of monitoring, France there are three forces try to "pedal" problem. Opinion of the Committee, each special force has its own course of action, "no more than 3 intervention force foot worse things to each other."

"The terrorist attack took place in Nice, is the wildest of all of us," although France frequent terrorist attacks, Zhang Yu is still reluctant to believe that Nice will also become a target for terrorists. "This is a wonderful city, residents with high quality, honest".

"I'm depressed," Zhang Yu struggled in the tone of, "in France over a long time, to the country. ”

In June this year on the last day, he finally has a House of his own in Nice, but only for half a month, he experienced the terrorist attacks over the past 15 years never happened.

(Interviewers request, Lin, Zhang Yu as aliases)

Author: Fushan

Editor: Wang Chen

Category: Sohu news party

(Editors: Fushan UN871)
2016-07-16 01:17:45


  尼斯当地时间7月14日晚10点半左右,当人们还沉浸在刚结束的烟花表演和乐队音乐中,31岁的突尼斯裔法国人Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel开着从附近城镇租来的重型卡车,冒充成冰淇凌送货员,在没有引起警方怀疑的情况下,驶向黄金海岸边严禁车辆通行的英国人散步大道。




一、遭遇恐袭 与死神擦肩而过




今年的表演比往年晚了3分钟,晚上10点03分烟花表演开始,持续了20分钟。28岁的林志看完后迫不及待拿出手机,打开Pokemon Go——这是一款对现实世界中出现的宠物小精灵进行探索捕捉、战斗以及交换的游戏,正风靡全球。

林志几年前来到尼斯定居,最近迷恋上了Pokemon Go,抓到一只“皮卡丘”也要截图发到朋友圈炫耀。他没想到,游戏救了他一命
















二、死里逃生 踩着尸体往外跑





















三、事后问责 为何警方反应这么慢?

  卡车司机Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel当晚被警方击毙,但远远难以弥补尼斯的伤痛。












  “这次恐袭发生在尼斯,是我们所有人万万没想到的,” 尽管法国频发恐怖袭击,张雨仍然不愿相信,尼斯竟然也会成为恐怖分子的目标。“这是座美好的城市,居民素质高,民风淳朴”。








(责任编辑:付珊 UN871)
2016-07-16 01:17:45

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