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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:56:57 Edit(编辑)
Shenzhen oil painting village world famous make money from residents, now for the family

Shenzhen oil painting village world famous make money from residents, now for the family(深圳油画村居民曾仿世界名画赚大钱,现在养家难)



Shenzhen oil painting village residents have money now for the family of the famous world | | labor-intensive _ Shenzhen oil painting village news

  Reference news, July 16 United States media said, hanging in the budget hotel room of Van Gogh's "still lifes"; Office of the company, people's eyes light up dark grey abstract painting; pubs in Inner Mongolia on the dust of Paris art scene painting. These generic picture from Xie Chunti (sound) hand, the now 31-year old painter living in Shenzhen Dafen oil painting village. Produced high imitation of this village once world famous paintings of the world 60%.

According to the United States, the Los Angeles Times reported July 9, according to estimates, there are 800 of the village workshops and 5,000 drawings. Most of the workshops selling imitation art. Painters copying all day here of Picasso, Monet, Rembrandt and other famous artists works, which has a large number of cheap manufactured goods, China is another example of the strength.

Reportedly, Dafen oil painting village now are in a very difficult position. Due to increased labor costs, painting technology improvement and the loss of foreign customers, painters such as Xie Chunti can barely make ends meet. Some even gave up painting.

Xie Chunti said: "many artists have given up and left here. "Xie Chunti graduated from an art school in Jiangxi, she was selling high street copy of Van Gogh paintings. She said: "in the past the international market is very large, highly profitable; we sold two or three paintings a day, will be able to feed their families. Now, we sell five or six paintings a day and still no way to support his family. ”

Experts said the Dafen is a microcosm of China's economy. Beijing is trying to decades old economic growth mode in China--which is based on the manufacturing industry and investment growth--into a more sustainable and innovative economy. Elimination of outdated factories, the introduction of high technology start-ups and gleaming office parks.

Reported that the economies in transition has been difficult. In 2015, China's economic growth rate reached a 25-year low, manufacturing workers in Guangdong Province have been hit particularly hard.

Research of China's cultural industry Professor at the Central University of finance and Zhou Zhengbing said: "Dafen village like other coastal cities in Guangdong Province. The past, they have been focused on the labour-intensive products ... ... In recent years, China's economic growth has been slowing, diminishing demand, labor costs continue to rise. For these reasons, where work opportunities are limited. ”

Until 1989, Dafen is a small fishing village. At that time, Huang Jiang a Hong Kong artist with 20 other artists came to Dafen. In 2011, said Huang Jiang, Dafen's cost of living is very low, and is close to Hong Kong. He was sold to foreign buyers every month dozens of high imitation of famous paintings, many of which are United States and European buyers; on the understanding that the market potential, he began to teach the others way of business.

After a few years, demand has soared. Dafen village became very prosperous, Huang Jiang so rich. Influx of graduates of art schools in China Dafen; accepting a 3-6 after months of training, they can copy a maximum 20 paintings a day.

Reported now, Dafen residents are trying to adjust themselves to adapt to the new economic situation. With the reduction of foreign buyers, who are targeting the domestic market, from a copy of Picasso's paintings to imitation of traditional Chinese landscape painting and portrait of bright and colorful. (Compile/Wu Mei)

  On December 3, 2010, the first China (Shenzhen) Dafen international painting fair cum 2010 Dafen international painting festival in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China town, Longgang District, Dafen oil painting Village opened. Xinhua News Agency

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Shenzhen oil painting village labour-intensive

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深圳油画村居民曾仿世界名画赚大钱 现在养家难|深圳油画村|劳动密集_新闻资讯

  参考消息网7月16日报道 美媒称,悬挂在经济型酒店房间内的梵高“静物写生”;公司办公室内,让人觉得眼前一亮的黑灰色抽象派绘画;艺术酒吧内蒙上了灰尘的巴黎街景画。这些仿制画 都出自谢春缇(音)之手,这位现年31岁的画家居住在深圳大芬油画村。这个村出品的高仿世界名画一度占全世界总量的60%。







  直 到1989年,大芬村还是一个小渔村。当时,一名香港画家黄江带着其他20名艺术家来到大芬村。2011年,黄江说,大芬村的生活成本很低,而且离香港很 近。他曾每个月卖给外国买家几十幅高仿名画,其中很多是美国和欧洲的买家;在了解到市场的潜力后,他开始向其他画家传授经营之道。




责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

深圳油画村 劳动密集


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