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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:56:54 Edit(编辑)
Prime Minister Li keqiang met with Abe, the Chinese Foreign Ministry response

Prime Minister Li keqiang met with Abe, the Chinese Foreign Ministry response(李克强总理应约会见安倍晋三,中国外交部回应)



Li met with the Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, Chinese Foreign Ministry response

Russia President Plenipotentiary of the Federal District on the Volga River Babbage invited Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will meet on July 18 to 20th in Russia wuliyangnuofusikeshi attended the middle reaches of China's Yangtze River area and Russia first meeting of the cooperation Council of the Federal District on the Volga River.

Q: I have two problems are related to the South China Sea. First, the Chinese Filipino fishermen are allowed to fish near the huangyan island? Secondly, Chinese media reported that the Chinese authorities concerned to build 20 floating nuclear power plants in the South China Sea. Can you confirm that the information?

A: we have said to the first question, the so-called Tribunal issued the so-called award of China in the South China Sea, the Government policy is unlikely to have any impact on the related issues. The second question you ask, I have no control over the situation.

Asked: it is reported that the 14th Japan self defense force yekejun the long integration aides said arbitration case heavy weight of South China Sea, China as a great power should comply with the international rules. How do you respond to the Chinese side?

Answer: whether the arbitration award should be complied with, the key lies not in its several kilograms of a few, but that it is legitimate. Something illegal, the heavier weight, more bad properties. As far as China is concerned, we have shown that this arbitration case is illegal and null and void from the start. Now we also see, most members of the international community also indicated that understand and support China's position and attitude, that should settle their disputes through dialogue and consultation, support free choice of dispute resolution of sovereign States.

We can see that Japan take this arbitration case very seriously because after the ruling, Japan acted excited than around the South China Sea countries. However, we would like to remind, hoping Japan regard first of all to understand and not about anything.

As far as international rules, I would like to stress that China and many members of the international community to firmly oppose illegal things is in the maintenance of real international law and international rules. Hope Japan can also comply with the internationally recognized rules, rather than imaginary "international" rules. In particular in the South China Sea issue, Japan on the history of the South China Sea issue, Jingwei, including their own, in the South China Sea inglorious history, should be aware of. Japan surrendered in World War II, will be stolen by the Chinese territory returned to China, including South China Sea Islands. This is part of the postwar international order. Referring to comply with international rules, Japan should honor the international order established after World War II, to abide by its commitment to comply with the relevant provisions of the Potsdam Declaration.

: It is reported that a Chinese corruption suspects from Australia back to China. China had communications with Australia suspects home? Australia has facilitated partnerships with the Chinese side?

A: if I understand you correctly, then you should refer to today from Australia returned to surrender Guo Liaowu.

The central anti-corruption coordination group work under the overall guidance of the Office of the international pursuit recover booty, now we recover booty pursuit outside has achieved obvious results. As far as we know, first half of the year, from January to June, China has gone from more than 40 countries and regions to recover flight 381 people, recover stolen money of 1.24 billion yuan. In 2015, "SkyNet" a year, under the strong leadership of the Central Government, our work has achieved remarkable results. In this process, the Governments concerned have carried out good cooperation with us.

Asked: it was reported that Prime Minister Li keqiang held talks with Prime Minister Abe this afternoon. Nanhai arbitration case has been in recent days, China accused Japan, then why can we agree with Japan's Prime Minister for talks?

A: we have just received the news. 15th Prime Minister Li keqiang in Mongolia in Ulan Bator during the Asia-Europe Summit should be about meeting with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Prime Ministers of the two countries properly control differences, promote pragmatic cooperation and maintain the momentum of improved relations exchange of views.

As you said China recently has been accusing Japan, Japan should reflect on its own improper behavior. China will not blame others for no reason. Meanwhile, Premier Li keqiang met with Japan's leaders, also can be high when facing Japan shows that China's position. Leaders met with the specific message, we are waiting for further information.

Q: after the arbitration decision issued in the South China Sea, Philippine President duteerte said yesterday, is willing to send former Philippine President Fidel Ramos to open diplomatic dialogue with China. What comment do you have?

A: China has noticed President duteerte's above statement. Duteerte since the President took office, has repeatedly said will properly address the issue of South China Sea and China to resume bilateral dialogue to improve bilateral relations. China welcomes President duteerte would like to send a Special Envoy to China dialogue. China has been through bilateral dialogues and properly handle relevant issues between China and the Philippines, we have never closed the door to dialogue and consultations with the Philippines. As long as China and the Philippines through dialogue and consultation and properly handle their differences, will be able to open up a better future for bilateral relations.

China's position on the arbitration case has been consistent, and do not recognize and accept any decision and action. China hopes that in the Philippines to return to the previous consensus, properly handle relevant issues through dialogue and consultation and make joint efforts for the improvement and development of bilateral relations.

Q: the night of 14th, France Nice, terrorist attacks, has killed more than 70 people were killed, hundreds injured. China comment on events? Any Chinese citizens were killed or injured in the attacks?

A: China occurred in France expressed its strong condemnation of the serious terrorist attacks in Nice, and send my deepest condolences to the families and to the injured and the families of the victims our sincere condolences. XI Jinping, Li keqiang, the Prime Minister has been the first time he President and Prime Minister by Valls of condolence. China's Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in France Embassy, Consulate-General in Marseille have launched the emergency response mechanism, and keep close track of developments. After verification, two Chinese nationals were injured in the incident, nice, staff of the Consulate-General in Marseille have to deal with related issues.

I would like to stress that China is also a victim of terrorism. The Chinese Government firmly opposes all forms of terrorism and is willing to work with France and other members of the international community, strengthen cooperation against terrorism, defending the safety of the peoples of the world, safeguarding world peace and stability.

Q: on the relationship between China and the Vatican, Pope Francis committed to promoting improved Vatican-China relations, so that the two sides reached a "diplomatic relations". Comment on this?

A: on the relations between China and the Vatican, I would like to reiterate that China has sincerity to improve relations with the Vatican, and has made unremitting efforts to this end. Current channel is unimpeded and effective dialogue and contact with the two sides. We are willing to continue the spirit of relevant principles of constructive dialogue with the Vatican and meet each other halfway and jointly push forward the process of improving bilateral relations. We hope the Vatican will also adopt a flexible and pragmatic attitude, creating favourable conditions for improving bilateral relations.

Q: it has come to our attention that China has sent to South Sudan ahead of the Working Group, Chinese forces attack, can you explain? How do Chinese see South Sudan situation? Whether or not South Sudan will continue to participate in the peace process?

A: the Chinese Government is highly concerned about the situation in South Sudan, particularly concerned about the safety of Chinese citizens in South Sudan and peacekeepers. Mutations of the situation in South Sudan, in particular the United Nations Mission in the Sudan in the South attacked the camp, after causing Chinese casualties of peacekeepers, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Embassy launched the emergency mechanism immediately in front, to treat the wounded, multi-party negotiations, to protect the security of Chinese personnel.

You may have noticed, approved by Chinese President and Central Military Commission, working group in Beijing on 14th at noon in front of South Sudan arrived in Entebbe, Uganda, with my peacekeepers in South Sudan attacks. China's Foreign Ministry also attended the Working Group and actively cooperate with, support the military to carry out rescue and remedial work, and have asked the Chinese Embassy, mission to the United Nations with the South Sudan and other related countries and maintain close communication and coordination of the United Nations, provides support for wounded transit treatment. In the Museum, the Mission's efforts, I'm all injured in the attack were transferred to Uganda for treatment.

The Chinese Government has always been highly concerned about the safety of overseas Chinese citizens and change the situation in South Sudan, immediately issued a safety reminder, and to provide assistance to Chinese citizens to leave positive and convenient.

China has always been active participants in the peace process in South Sudan and strong enabler, with South Sudan's neighbours and other good offices for the South Sudanese parties on the situation in South Sudan have maintained close communication and discuss how to urge both parties to the conflict in South Sudan ceasefire storms, easing the tension and jointly promote the peace process in South Sudan.

Asked: it is reported that the 14th United States Chinese officials in WTO Deputy trade representative, Wilson said, even if "into the breach" will expire on December 11, China also cannot automatically obtain market economy status. Comment on this?

A: I see this reported, I think American officials appear to be mistaken concepts. He mentioned "in terms of" due on December 11, referring to the 15th under the Protocol on China's accession to the World Trade Organization, provisions in the anti-dumping investigation on China's use of "surrogate country" approach should be terminated on December 11, 2016. So the United States, referring to the "into the breach" when, in fact, need to answer whether the United States was prepared to fulfil their commitments and international obligations would be nice, not to lead to other concepts.

By the way, his so-called "market economy status" this concept does not exist in the WTO rules.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-07-15 20:35:05
China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
李克强总理应约会见安倍晋三 中国外交部回应






























(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-07-15 20:35:05

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