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WebService在.NET中的实战应用教学视频 → 第4集
published in(发表于) 2016/7/14 10:58:56 Edit(编辑)
Indonesia’s 12-year old boy born without limbs, control handle playing games with a jaw,

Indonesia’s 12-year old boy born without limbs, control handle playing games with a jaw,(印尼12岁男孩天生无四肢,用下巴操控手柄打游戏,)



Indonesia's 12-year old boy born without limbs, control handle playing games with a jaw-Indonesia, limbs and game-IT information

According to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reported on July 12, West Java province of Indonesia 11-year old boy diyue·sateliao (TiyoSatrio) born without limbs, but he is not only outstanding achievement, daily use Chin instead of the hands to play the game, killing time. Another example of confirmed "nothing".

In the education of his family, Satrio developed a cheerful personality. His optimistic nature and infectious laughter, Satrio became the most popular people in the teachers and students.

Sartre's since I was born without limbs. Satrio mothers throughout pregnancy, she is unaware of his son's disability. Cry to know the situation of the children, she was still very optimistic. Sartre did not give up. He can even write learn to write with my mouth, he was very talented in math and religion. Principals said Satrio in grade 2, but he had grade 4 math problem can be solved, such as multiplication.

Free time, Sutter likes to play games. Satrio's mother said he played almost every game. In the education of his family, Satrio developed a cheerful personality. His optimistic nature and infectious laughter, Satrio became the most popular people in the teachers and students.

Satrio can do a lot of things, but wash, dress, eat, family members and teachers more help is still needed. I hope fortune will never forget him.

印尼12岁男孩天生无四肢,用下巴操控手柄打游戏 - 印尼,四肢,游戏 - IT资讯






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