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published in(发表于) 2016/7/12 6:20:31 Edit(编辑)
Warcraft movie under China’s official map: less than 1.5 billion yuan at the box office,

Warcraft movie under China’s official map: less than 1.5 billion yuan at the box office,(《魔兽》电影中国正式下映:票房未达15亿元,)



Warcraft movie under China's official mapping:-world of Warcraft less than 1.5 billion yuan at the box office, movie, box office-IT information

Warcraft movies past and present

Warcraft is determined by United States legendary, Blizzard Entertainment produced the fantasy action film, directed by dengken·qiongsi, Travis Fimmel, Toby Kebbell, po la·badun, ? Schneider Ze, and starring Ben foster, Daniel Wu, duominike·Ku Cooper, Robert Kazinsky joint. Film is based on the 1994 Blizzard Entertainment game Warcraft: humans and Orcs adaptations.

Blizzard announced that Warcraft was released in 09 that year, then bounced by 16, but once on the BlizzCon, Blizzard CEO Paul Sams once before announced that Blizzard intends to make Warcraft movie, even over 5 years, the analysis of this point in time it can be said that Blizzard is planning to shoot in at least 10 years.

Warcraft why fire?

Remember CCTV said role of Warcraft sexy exposing it? Remember the first time I saw flying flying mounts in Azeroth when in the mood? Every Warcraft players learned that Warcraft movie in the first place remember?

Might as well show you a data.

Number of players

Number of global players active

It is clear that Union weakness, but you want to count is the number of State suits have nearly 6 million the number of players, and at the peak of world of Warcraft was only 12 million active users worldwide, accounted for half of China.

At the time was the world's largest online games and what we have to say is, Wow and still is one of the end travel giant.

Warcraft received mixed reviews

Warcraft received mixed varies, even extreme polarization, is not all of people are to of is feelings points, after all game adapted movie itself is a small all classification, and Warcraft of plot and too "epic level", was had said "a Flash gold town of story on enough took TV has", really of is are not exaggerated, world of Warcraft in the each a bit NPC are has himself of story, even even crossroads of a only small black lion are has it himself of story. Such plots are doomed in less than 2 hours is impossible, and Warcraft movie to take world of Warcraft fans with the way people, renditions of the story of Warcraft 1 weaved in the Warcraft movie. This problem is caused by what?

Plot is thin, the story changes, the final result is that many fans do not buy it, non-fans don't understand. OK, don't play Warcraft is destined to experience hardcore "Union dog" and "tribe pig" mood.

Hot Warcraft China failed to achieve the desired

China of Warcraft expected is 2 billion box office, and early box office high of main reasons is not said China movie market to beyond Europe market, but commercial Shang of operation, first million up acquisition of global pictures, and global pictures shooting has Warcraft, million up does not hope global pictures in himself its first Department film too poor, so everyone can see earlier of hospital line film rate, and 2nd Warcraft in China belongs to "Venus" level of game, that era has how many around? How many derivatives? And China is now and how much the game is associated with Warcraft? I called MT and the shankoushan book of the wars and the legend of turret, and so on. Finally, look at the title what do we find?

Excluding Tencent, China how many pictures have appeared in the opening credits? Warcraft in China of hot its main reasons is because the big game manufacturers crazy Chang, game industry of Carnival, but apart from began of hot, Warcraft after, all is flower, Warcraft of movie and no change we of life, it just is one feast, feast after left of is a not to 1.5 billion box office of data, also has belongs to generation Warcraft memory of end.

《魔兽》电影中国正式下映:票房未达15亿元 - 魔兽,电影,票房 - IT资讯



其实暴雪当年宣布《魔兽》是要在09年上映的,而后跳票到16年,但是在曾经的暴雪嘉年华上,暴雪公司的前首席执行官Paul Sams就曾经宣布过暴雪打算拍魔兽的电影,甚至筹划了5年,这个时间点分析可以说,暴雪用了至少10年来筹划跟拍摄。














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