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published in(发表于) 2016/7/12 6:19:40 Edit(编辑)
Girls suddenly suffering from schizophrenia, parents suspected radiation-induced sued base station company,

Girls suddenly suffering from schizophrenia, parents suspected radiation-induced sued base station company,(少女突患精神分裂症,父母疑辐射所致起诉基站公司,)



Girls suddenly suffering from schizophrenia, parents suspected radiation-induced the prosecution base station-base station radiation-IT information

No family history of genetic disease, young girls are suddenly suffering from schizophrenia. Recently, the 19 year old girl who lives in water Street, huicheng district xiaodeng (not his real name) by the hospital after the diagnosis, their parents will be built near a communication transmitting base station company to court, Huizhou levels after the Court shall dismiss the plaintiff's claim.

In March 2005, Deng's father in Shuikou town, huicheng district (now water Street) to buy a property, in May 2006 the whole family stay in June 2007, after a company Huizhou branch from little Teng to build residential buildings of less than five meters a communication launching a base station. Starting in 2011, Deng began to appear, otherwise healthy young often speak, imagination and other anomalies, and grades are gradually declining, after treatment with Huizhou city second people's Hospital confirmed she was suffering from schizophrenia.

? Network with map

Hospitals in the course of troubleshooting the cause of the illness, sick family members genetic factors were excluded. Since then, little Deng's parents focus on suspect Deng lived, with small rooms are separated by only a company's base station launch pad. Little Deng's parents felt she should base station radiation-related illness, continued to complain to the Government departments urged the base station away, huicheng district and appeal to the courts, require the company to compensate little Deng's medical expenses, mental damage compensation totaling 40,000 yuan.

Huizhou branch of the defendant, a company should claim, launched base stations are involved in accordance with specific procedures, construction and acceptance. And two field tests, the radiation standards in the areas of national and industry standards, and will not pose a threat to human safety. The company there are no violations, do not assume environmental liability.

Huicheng District Court a trial judgment think, a company Huizhou branch base station of construction and the late expansion are by original province EPA (that today province environmental Office) approved, completed Hou approved agreed through acceptance, while respectively Yu 2013, and 2014 for has two times detection, two times detection conclusion are for electromagnetic radiation level meet national environmental protection method legal provides, not over electromagnetic radiation protection provides related standard. Plaintiff xiaodeng think testing is not consistent with the objective facts, did not apply for a review within the statutory time limit. And Court asked whether plaintiffs living near the others suffering from the disease, the plaintiffs said no. Plaintiffs do not provide explicitly proving little Teng is what causes schizophrenia, lack of electromagnetic radiation harm is done to little Teng basis. Eventually, huicheng District Court dismissed plaintiff's little Deng's claim.

After the verdict, the plaintiff little Teng appealed his conviction, and appeal to the Huizhou intermediate court. After trial, the Huizhou intermediate court, upheld by law.

少女突患精神分裂症,父母疑辐射所致起诉基站公司 - 基站,辐射 - IT资讯








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