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published in(发表于) 2016/7/12 6:19:26 Edit(编辑)
China’s primary and middle school class of sixty or seventy people, China can’t watch this,

China’s primary and middle school class of sixty or seventy people, China can’t watch this,(中国的中小学一个班级六七十人,中国国务院看不下去了,)



China's primary and middle school class of sixty or seventy people, compulsory education in China-looked-IT information

Recently, the State Council issued on the coordinate within the County some opinions on the development of the integration of urban and rural compulsory education reform (hereinafter referred to as the views). Views proposed, established to live card for main according to of accompanying children entrance policy, effective simplified optimization accompanying children entrance process and proved requirements, provides convenience service; strengthened family guardianship subject responsibility, encourages parents made live card of age children with parents in work to near entrance; to 2018 basic elimination 66 people above super class amount, to 2020 basic elimination 56 people above class amount; urban and rural teachers configuration basic balanced, village teachers treatment steadily improve, and post attraction sharply enhanced, Quality significantly improved rural education, nine-year compulsory education retention rate is 95%.

Hot concern

Accompanying the children, school fees shall not discriminate

All localities should further strengthen local government responsibilities, accompanying children into urban development planning and Finance of compulsory education coverage, adhere to the proactive, pragmatic, steady progress, adapt to the reform of household registration system, establishing a residence permit as the main basis of accompanying their children to school policies and simplified certification requirements and optimize the process of accompanying their children to school, provide convenient services guarantee accompanying children equal access to compulsory education.

Using the national primary school information management system data to promote the "two exempt and one subsidy" funds and public funding base with quota funds student mobility to be carried. To adhere to the public schools to host arrangements accompanying the children, for the shortage of school places can be arranged by way of purchase of services in private schools in Pratt

Read. Unified management of mixed classes and, for accompanying children into the school and community. Public and private schools are not allowed to charge the accompanying children is different from the local household registration students any fee. Mega-cities and the accompanying children will particularly focus on where the specific measures according to actual development of accompanying their children to school.

Primary responsibility for family care, encourage parents to obtain residence permits children of school age with parents enrolled in work, migrant parents to perform their duty of guardianship and legal custody. Shall be investigated for criminal responsibility of the parents or guardians do not fulfil his duty of guardianship, prosecuted against violations of the legitimate rights and interests of left-behind children. Role play to township Governments and village committees, urged migrant parents to fulfil the responsibility of guardianship.

Eliminate large amounts: 2020, elimination of more than 56 large amounts

Provincial governments according to local conditions to eliminate large amount of planning, clear tasks and timetables, route maps, by 2018 the Elimination of more than 66 super large amount, by the year 2020 the Elimination of more than 56 large amounts.

Around the whole "Thirteen-Five" during compulsory school-building projects, in accordance with State regulations for standard, new construction and extension of school premises, large amounts of key town, to speed up the Elimination of the existing large amounts. To be implemented through the integration of urban and rural compulsory education, school district of group education Union, the balanced allocation of teachers or schools or in other ways, increase support for weak schools and rural schools, and promote balanced development, restrict the size of the class standard school enrollment, rational triage students. Educational administrative departments at the county level to establish the Elimination of large amount account, class size, school PIN management and avoid new class problems. Provincial people's Government to the end of 2016 will eliminate the large amount of special planning report to the national educational system reform leading group of the record.

Teaching staff allocation in urban and rural areas is strictly prohibited to hire for a long time supernumerary teacher

Around based on the compulsory education school faculty preparing standards, scale and educational needs of the students, according to strict control requirements in relevant institutions, compulsory education school faculty approved by the reasonable system. Establishing mechanism of urban and rural compulsory education school faculty to prepare and manpower allocation and trans-regional mechanism, the implementation of staff development of rural-urban, regional planning and management, inventory of preparation of stock and improve efficiency.

The State Council human resources and social security sector and the education sector to study integrated compulsory education school in the County post structure, perfecting title appraisal and appointment policies, gradual stages within the county school coordinated appropriately directed to the village and post structure, effective cohesion achieved titles and post appointment system, attract the best teachers to rural flows. Educational administrative departments at the county level in the nuclear

Total total staff prepare and post, such as class size, student, full account of rural small-school the practical needs of schools, boarding schools and towns, with redistribution of schools staff prepare and number of jobs and establishments of departments at the same level, human resources and Social Security Department and financial department. Promoting teachers ' "County School hired" reform, in accordance with professional features and requirements of teachers, improving teacher recruitment mechanism, and manpower deployment in-teacher resources, focus on resolving structural truncated and towns in rural teachers teacher shortage problem. Prohibited in the case of a source of qualified teachers "series does not fill", permanent supernumerary teacher, misappropriated school staff development and various forms of compulsory education is strictly prohibited "empty rates." Actively encourage and guide the country volunteer teaching activities.

Higher the level of rural teachers hardship grants

Rural teachers should be implemented throughout the income distribution policy, implement and improve concentration and even impoverished areas and rural teachers in remote and difficult areas living subsidy policy, adapted to local conditions and steadily expanded the scope according to the grass-roots, more hardship allowances the higher the level of principles, the income level of rural teachers ' real wages not lower than the same rank County teachers ' salary income.

A sound long-term mechanism, the approved total amount of performance pay in schools of compulsory education and Manpower take into account actual income level of local civil servants to ensure that teachers of compulsory education in the County's average wage income level is not lower than the local average wage income of civil servants. Establishment of village teachers honor system, so that the majority of rural teachers have more access. Perfecting the guarantee mechanism of the rural teachers ' professional development, reasonable proportion set up village schools intermediate and senior teacher posts. Implementation of primary and middle school teachers ' professional titles combined with policies to ensure rural school teachers that is, evaluation that is employed. Eligible rural school teachers in remote and difficult areas included local government housing security system, accelerate the construction of rural teachers in remote and difficult areas the working capital hostel.

Ten reforms

1 ensure sufficient degree supplies

School construction town, according to town planning and population scale preparation of town layout planning of compulsory education schools to ensure that urban schools construction land and adequate supply.

2 reasonable layout

Try to run rural education, rational layout of the school, take a variety of measures to make up the rural education boards. Rational programme of comprehensive utilization of idle campus buildings, strictly regulate the ownership confirmation, change, asset disposal program and priorities for education. In order to improve the efficient use of educational resources, and avoid the "construction idle".

3 improving basic conditions

Standardization construction of science to promote compulsory education in urban and rural public schools, improve basic conditions, upgrading informatization level of rural schools and boarding school management services.

4 basically eliminated in large amounts

Elimination of large plans introduced by 2018, eliminated more than 66 super large amount, by the year 2020 the Elimination of more than 56 large amounts.

5 rural teacher allocation

Rational determination of compulsory education school faculty to prepare and implement faculty development of rural-urban, regional planning and dynamic management, improve teacher recruitment mechanisms, focus on resolving structural truncated and towns in rural teachers teacher shortage problem.

6 guarantee mechanism of reform of rural teachers

Implementation of rural teachers ' income distribution policies and implement and perfect focus even poor regions and rural teachers in remote and difficult areas support policies to ensure that teachers of compulsory education in the County's average wage income level is not lower than the local average wage income of civil servants.

7 reform of education management system

Improve education governance capacity, improving rural small school system and management methods to strengthen the ideological and political education, and gradually form a modern school system with Chinese characteristics.

8 reformation controlled cessation, protection mechanisms

Establishing a mechanism for accountability and control of UNPROFOR to implement drop-outs quanfan, registration and reporting system in writing, efforts to increase help for students with learning difficulties, improve subsidy policy to prevent inconvenience to school drop out.

9 reform of mechanism of accompanying children

Establish a residence permit-based admissions policy to promote the "two exempt and one subsidy" funds and public funding base with quota funds student mobility to be carried.

10 troubleshooting of left-behind children

Strengthen the protection of left-behind children in care, sound system, promoting healthy growth. To troubleshoot, establish account, a comprehensive grasp of basic conditions of left-behind children. Primary responsibility for family care, encourage parents to obtain residence permits children of school age with parents enrolled in work, migrant parents to perform their duty of guardianship and legal custody.

School construction

Build schools, students enrolled

Same town school. In accordance with the town planning and population scale preparation of town layout planning of compulsory schools, according to the school-age population trends, school construction standards, set aside enough of compulsory education and school lands, into the city and town planning and strict enforcement, may not be altered to ensure that construction land in urban schools. Education by examining the systems, the new schools building programme, relevant departments shall obtain the educational administrative departments at the same level.

Decisions according to law new town residential area supporting the standardization of school construction, old city rebuilding schools construction inadequate and does not meet the construction standards in schools with small residential area, coordinated by the local government built or rebuilding schools, ensure adequate supply of school places, meet the needs of students enrolled. Local Government to implement "turn-key" projects, ensure that the first phase of the project supporting school construction and housing construction development, construction of synchronous, synchronous delivery.

According to accelerate water circuit extends to rural infrastructure such as gas, convenient transportation and public services in rural areas of rational distribution of compulsory school. Also, do the necessary small schools in rural. Merging of school students who are causing problems, local governments should adjust measures to local conditions, be properly handled in various ways. Rational programme of comprehensive utilization of idle campus buildings, strictly regulate the ownership confirmation, change, asset disposal program and priorities for education. In order to improve the efficient use of educational resources, and avoid the "construction idle".

Increase Boarding school allowance

School of science to promote standardization. To step through the County (city, district) by the school establish the standardization construction of compulsory school account, fully made, perfect boarding schools, rural small school standards, standardization construction of science to promote compulsory education in urban and rural public schools, improve basic conditions of weak schools of compulsory education in poor areas. Upgrading informatization level of rural schools, improve rural teachers ' ability to use information technology, promoting quality education and resource sharing.

Increase in boarding schools, smaller schools and schools in Northern heating areas public funding levels, to guarantee the normal operation. Implementation of management standards in schools of compulsory education, raise the level of standardization of school management. Focus on improving rural boarding school administration service level, by way of purchase of services, such as providing workers for rural boarding schools and teaching support services. Around in the basic balance of County compulsory education based on promoting the balanced development of compulsory education quality, exploring cities (prefectures) field realization of balanced development of compulsory education, encourage qualified areas of integration of urban and rural compulsory education in the broader reform and development pilot, play a leading role model.

中国的中小学一个班级六七十人,中国国务院看不下去了 - 义务教育 - IT资讯















































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