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published in(发表于) 2016/7/11 12:10:28 Edit(编辑)
Chang Xiaobing, Chairman of China Telecom’s original is double: the acquiescence of relatives for personal gain

Chang Xiaobing, Chairman of China Telecom’s original is double: the acquiescence of relatives for personal gain(中国电信原董事长常小兵被双开:默许亲属谋取私利,)



Chang Xiaobing, Chairman of China Telecom's original is double: acquiesce to relatives for personal gain-Chang Xiaobing, China Unicom, China Telecom-IT information

Recently approved by the CPC Central Committee and CPC Central Commission for discipline inspection on China Telecom Group company the original CPC undertook a file review, Xiaobing, serious disciplinary problems.

By check, Chang Xiaobing serious violation political discipline, interference central special visits work, no seriously perform full strictly rule party subject responsibility, on Central visits group feedback of problem rectification implementation poor; serious violation Central eight items provides spirit; serious violation discipline, using positions Shang of convenience in cadres selection appointments in the for others seek interests and received property, violation state-owned enterprise "triple a big" decision system, not by provides report personal about matters; serious violation clean discipline, Using his power and position of influence to benefit family business activities and allowed relatives influence using their positions for personal gain, serious breach of work discipline used his position in the business for the benefit of others and receiving property suspected of bribery.

Level as a member of the party's senior leaders and central management charge backbone State-owned enterprises, loss of ideals and convictions, and serious violations of party discipline, grave and serious nature. Under the Chinese Communist Party disciplinary actions and other relevant provisions of the Ordinance, approved by the consideration of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for discipline inspection and the CPC Central Committee, and decided to give Chang Xiaobing expelled from disciplinary actions approved by the Ministry to the State Council, dismissed sanctions; collection of proceeds of its discipline; to be suspected of crime, clues and the money transferred to the judicial organs according to law.

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China Telecom level was double: more details, analysis, and background

中国电信原董事长常小兵被双开:默许亲属谋取私利 - 常小兵,中国联通,中国电信 - IT资讯






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