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published in(发表于) 2016/7/9 8:03:59 Edit(编辑)
Putin signed anti-terrorism legislation will be more network monitoring powers: the Internet industry shocked! ,

Putin signed anti-terrorism legislation will be more network monitoring powers: the Internet industry shocked! ,(普京签订反恐法将获更多网络监控权:互联网行业震惊!,)



Putin signed anti-terrorism legislation will be more network monitoring powers: the Internet industry shocked! -Network security, privacy-IT information

IT information news on July 9, Russia President Vladimir Putin this week signed a controversial amendment to the terrorism, Russia on Thursday unveiled a new policy of the Government, Russia Government will have greater rights to telecommunications, network monitoring, and communications service providers need to keep users within 6 months of calls, text messages, photos and videos, the metadata would be stored for 3 years time. Communications service provider must provide the authorities with access to these data.

Russia Parliament passed this Bill was shocked by Internet and telecommunications industries, Russia operator Megafon CEO xieergai·suodatengkefu (Sergei Soldatenkov) said the law will force the operators to invest 200 billion rubles (about US $ 3.1 billion) to meet the requirements of data, equivalent to 4 times times the company's annual profits, "they will kill the industry," he said.

Living in Russia United States agents in exile aidehua·sinuodeng (Edward Snowden) also expressed its views on the matter. He posted a message on Twitter on Thursday said it was "Russia darkest day." He said: "the signing of the ' big brother ' acts must be condemned. "Although there may have been Russia government retaliation, but he still criticized the law.

普京签订反恐法将获更多网络监控权:互联网行业震惊! - 网络安全,隐私 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月9日消息,俄罗斯总统普京本周签订了一项充满争议的反恐修正案,俄罗斯政府周四发布了新政策,俄罗斯政府将拥有更大的电信、网络监控权,通信服务商需要保存用户6个月内的通话、短信、照片和视频,元数据则需要保存3年时间。通信服务商必须向当局提供这些数据的访问权限。

俄罗斯议会通过这一法案让互联网和电信行业感到震惊,俄罗斯运营商Megafon的CEO谢尔盖·索达腾科夫(Sergei Soldatenkov)表示,这项法律将迫使运营商投入2000亿卢布(约合31亿美元),以满足数据保存的要求,这相当于该公司年利润的4倍,“他们将杀死电信行业”,他表示。

居住在俄罗斯的美国流亡特工爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)也对此事发表了看法。他周四在Twitter上发布消息称,这是“俄罗斯黑暗的一天”。他表示:“签署‘老大哥’法案必须被谴责。”尽管有可能遭到俄罗斯政府的报复,但他仍要批评这一法律。

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