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published in(发表于) 2016/7/7 13:51:08 Edit(编辑)
China discovered billions of cubic metres of grade high-yield gas field: you can meet the needs of 10 million people live,

China discovered billions of cubic metres of grade high-yield gas field: you can meet the needs of 10 million people live,(中国发现千亿立方米级高产大气田:可满足1000万人口生活需求,)



China discovered billions of cubic metres of grade high-yield gas field: to meet the 10 million population needs-gas field, natural gas-IT information

In Zunyi, Guizhou, China imposed page 1 well made shale gas, oil and gas major breakthrough, estimated resources of billions of cubic meters of natural gas.

7th China geological survey announced here Tuesday, geologists in the Ministry of finance, China support, targeting oil companies long attack do not grams of complex geological structure zone in the South, in zhengan County in Zunyi, Guizhou province implement page 1 well obtained four geological formations of shale gas, oil and gas major breakthrough results.

Gas testing on one of the layers, and yield more than 100,000 cubic metres a day, is a high-yield gas well.

First discovery of tight gas reservoirs with high-yield of marine, is a new type of Chinese oil and gas. Gas-bearing strata accumulated 68 m thick, after testing more than 100,000 cubic meters a day stable gas production.

Stone Kraal was first found in China Group, the pagoda set two oil and gas new formations, stone cowshed group receives the daily output of more than 100,000 cubic metres of stable gas, pagoda group drilled 13 meters thick and high pressure gas, spray flames as high as 20.

Also found a 147-meter-thick oil-bearing stratum qixia formation, is outside the Sichuan basin in the formation for the first time access to important discoveries.

China geological survey Bureau in charge, page 1 of shale gas and oil and gas survey major breakthroughs are expected to form a new base for natural gas exploration and development, driving about 60,000 square kilometers of Yangtze River economic zone similar to oil and gas exploration and development.

Page 1 well located in Wuling mountain and even impoverished area, estimates within the control of billions of cubic metres of natural gas resources, can meet the 10 million-population districts and industrial and agricultural development of gas demand, a strong impetus to poverty alleviation.

He Jishan, Kang Yuzhu, Member of the 7-bit think, Ann page 1 well oil and gas major breakthrough in investigation is historic, landmark, complex geological structure zone in southern China and oil and gas exploration in Guizhou province is a groundbreaking, round China Guizhou people more than 60 years of oil and gas workers and dreams.

中国发现千亿立方米级高产大气田:可满足1000万人口生活需求 - 大气田,天然气 - IT资讯










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