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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:29:10 Edit(编辑)
Greece’s Prime Minister meets with Ma: I hope that the cooperation with Alibaba to help their young people,

Greece’s Prime Minister meets with Ma: I hope that the cooperation with Alibaba to help their young people,(希腊总理会见马云:希望同阿里巴巴合作帮助本国年轻人,)



Greece's Prime Minister meets with Ma: want to help their young people in cooperation with Alibaba Alibaba, MA-IT information

IT news , July 6, currently visiting China Greece Prime Minister Mr tsipras met Thursday morning with Alibaba's Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors, meeting, Mr tsipras said Alibaba hopes and cooperation to help Greece youth, starting from the tourist industry, driving the development of SMEs in the country.

For Greece and Alibaba of cooperation, Ma said, previously had to had Greece travel, there of better views let people linger, using Alibaba platform, can led Greece of tourism development, while, Greece local of specialty also can through Alibaba days cat platform into China, through paid treasure of Sesame credit, can help China user more convenient to get Greece of visa, and if paid treasure into Greece market, is also can convenient paid treasure user in Greece for convenient of paid. Alibaba platform has been chanting and big business with SMEs, helping small and medium businesses to achieve business success, this strategy in Greece also works. Mr tsipras said, through Alibaba platform to help Greece's youth employment.

In addition, MA also briefed Mr tsipras on Alibaba eWTP plans, this is a platform to help SMEs in cross-border trade, creation of SMEs can help young men and women, access to global markets.

希腊总理会见马云:希望同阿里巴巴合作帮助本国年轻人 - 阿里巴巴,马云 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月6日消息,目前正在访华的希腊总理齐普拉斯于今天上午会见了阿里巴巴董事局主席马云,会晤中,齐普拉斯表示,希望和阿里巴巴合作,帮助希腊年轻人,从旅游业入手,带动本国的中小企业发展。



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