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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:29:02 Edit(编辑)
Custom baby abroad: in vitro fertilization abroad really advanced? ,

Custom baby abroad: in vitro fertilization abroad really advanced? ,(出国定制宝宝:国外试管婴儿技术真的先进?,)



Custom baby abroad: in vitro fertilization abroad really advanced? -IVF-IT information

On June 16, 2016, the United States member of the College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of foreign, has been involved in cultivation of the world's first test-tube baby doctor make·Sali (Mark Surrey) taught at the Beijing Foreign IVF technology. The scene, a lady who came from Chengdu by plane to listen suddenly burst into tears.

This is not a surprise for make·Sali, he was involved in creating the most famous of all American Fertility Center--Southern California reproductive Center (SCRC), almost daily reception to help couples, in which China has become a growing number of customers than any other country.

According to the World Health Organization, with infertility rates rising, China 1 out of every 8-age couples infertile, and infertile couples were younger. Infertility groups, from the 70 's of the last century 1%~2% rose up about 10 times today's 10%~15%,30 year.

Comprehensive two-child policy in China since this year marks the official implementation, some want two children to elderly couples facing difficult pregnancy problem, so many Chinese look to the "test-tube baby" service.

United States IVF cost over 300,000

At present, not only the United States and Southeast Asia are eyeing the Chinese market as a whole. United States Stanford international consulting Institute (SRI) published data showing global health tourism industry roughly $ 438.6 billion, accounting for 14% of the total size of the global tourism industry. Analysts predicted cross-border health care in the future market will exceed $ 10 billion, China will become a new growth point in global markets.

"Thailand's IVF clinics generally have high success rates, high cost performance characteristics. And we have implemented one-to-one customization services, patients from visa to the language support to China, then to the physical conditioning of one-stop seamless service. "Thailand global fertility Center told Xinhua.

Thailand media reported Thailand's IVF success rates as high as 60%, IVF success rate is much higher than other Asian countries. So a lot of IVF unsuccessful couples in China choose to put their hopes on the Thailand doctor.

"We already have a boy, really wanted a little Princess. You know home is selective is not allowed, so we only choose to go abroad to give birth to a baby. "36, Jing said.

Jing checks went to Beijing hospital, but her experience is very bad. "Now is the mobile phone registered, but it is difficult to get first. This is not to say, exam with no privacy at all, feeling embarrassed. I also understand that the doctor wants to see dozens of patients a day, cannot be patient and thoughtful, but it is a priority for our family and would rather spend more money to solve the problem. "Jing is very reluctantly.

In Thailand, for example, the current market price is around 100,000 yuan, if you want to select the gender of babies need to add more than 60,000 yuan and United States fees are higher, reaching more than 300,000 yuan.

"We are sure that Chinese patients United States the doctor is on the rise. "Fertility expert Dr Shahin Ghadir, told reporters of the SCRC, who is expected in 2016 have 400 patients in China flew across the Pacific to their test-tube babies in hospitals.

"My Chinese clients who have received a good education, good economic conditions, I think they are seeking objective is very simple, not outside hopes of rendering a nationality, they hope that with the help of the most advanced technologies in the medical condition of a healthy child. "Shahin Ghadir, says Dr.

Technology really that cattle from abroad?

"Test-tube baby technology is not the same as electronic product replacement, generation better than generation"

"I have a chromosome problem, and my husband has low sperm count, we have been in a hospital in Beijing to do a test-tube baby but encountered tire stop. Heard that Thailand can provide the advanced generation test-tube babies (PGD) technology designed for repeated miscarriages or genetic diseases, I would like to try. "Pany, 34, said.

Dr make·Sali's speech, he shows the current United States most advanced in-vitro fertilization technology, claims to be the world's fourth-generation test-tube baby EmbryoScope (embryonic development box).

EmbryoScope is the world's most commonly used time-lapse system for observation of embryo can be observed while maintaining a stable environment for embryo culture, embryo development to ensure that best improve pregnancy success rate. Moreover, patients and their families can see at any time EmbryoScope shot video of delay, it records the egg from fertilization, the whole process of Division that develops into a blastocyst.

Obviously, the latest development of the embryo can be seen every day for they're surprised, but apply to everyone?

Renowned expert in obstetrics and gynaecology, former Director of the Peking University first hospital fertility Center Professor Zuo Wenli, told reporters that at present, many patients in vitro fertilization "level" misunderstandings, that generation is better than the second generation, second generation better than generation. "IVF is not the same as electronics upgrades, generation better than generation. "Zuo Wenli said so-called test-tube babies one generation, two generations, three generations, is for a different indication, according to different needs, choose a different" mode ".

Zuo Wenli explained said, generally, generation IVF used general body outside fertilization-embryos transplant, requirements man semen quality cannot too poor; II generation IVF (single sperm micro injection) main for male sperm number poor, and quality poor of situation, will vitality good, and form normal of single sperm through micro operation technology will its directly injection to egg in the, help completed fertilization process; three generations IVF (PGD) is is for repeatedly abortion or genetic class disease crowd, take embryos implanted Qian genetics diagnosis.

"Different indications, will choose a different way. Unrelated to advanced and less advanced. "Zuo Wenli said.

IVF risk to overseas?

Data show that after the implementation of a comprehensive two-child policy released would be allowed two girl target of 90 million people, half of which are 40 years old ~49 age group. "Another" under the obsession of many elderly couples and infertility is pinning its hopes on the in vitro fertilization.

Guotai Junan research report shows that infertility is more than 40 million people in China, assisted reproduction market size reached 120 billion yuan, China assisted reproductive qualifications operators 432, assisted reproduction market demand.

"This year, more and more clients ask us about in vitro fertilization business, almost every day, someone asks do not do. "The head of a medical institution, told reporters.

Huge rush demand IVF overseas intermediary market.

However, the market was mixed, uneven intermediary qualification, plus a lot of care in patients with IVF gender, number intermediary institutions have to meet in order to Thailand and the United States can do in-vitro fertilization, sex selection as a selling point to attract tourists.

One had to Thailand do IVF of patients family told reporter, he of wife in Thailand accept IVF clinic, previously had accept had once surgery, but no success, and injection once promoting eggs pharmacy body need 4 months or half to recovery, "on people of loss too big has, I wife in injection promoting eggs pharmacy zhihou, skin will yellow, body also than yiqian poor, and she of career career completely interrupted. "In addition, according to official sources, Thailand is forbidden to select test-tube baby gender, Thailand Ministry of health health authority website, parents undergoing IVF must be husband and Thailand law forbids sex test, also banned the sale of eggs.

However, Thailand hospitals and clinics to IVF as the main project, almost half are providing services of sex selection, this is the open secret in the industry. In the United States, different States have different rules.

"I personally suggested that IVF population should be a ' gotcha ' history, genetic diseases such as infectious diseases, many failures and other problems, consider a move abroad to try again. "Professor Zuo Wenli said.

出国定制宝宝:国外试管婴儿技术真的先进? - 试管婴儿 - IT资讯

2016年6月16日,美国妇产科学院院士、美国外科学院院士,曾参与世界首例试管婴儿培育的马克·萨里博士(Mark Surrey)在北京讲授国外试管婴儿技术。现场,一位从成都坐飞机赶来听讲的女士突然痛哭流涕。











“我们很肯定,中国病人来美国看病呈上升趋势。”SCRC的生育专家Shahin Ghadir博士告诉记者,他们预计2016年会有400个中国病人飞过太平洋,到他们医院接受试管婴儿手术。

“我的中国客户们都接受过良好的教育,经济条件良好,我觉得他们求医的目的也很单纯,并不是外界渲染的希望取得国籍,他们就是希望借助最先进的技术在最好的医疗条件下要一个健康的孩子。”Shahin Ghadir博士表示。




在马克·萨里博士的演讲中,他展示了目前美国最先进的试管婴儿技术,号称是全球第四代试管婴儿的EmbryoScope (胚胎发育观察箱)技术。















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