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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:12:38 Edit(编辑)
Torrent comes, how early warning? , _ News

Torrent comes, how early warning? , _ News(山洪来临时如何预警?,_新闻资讯)



Torrent comes, how early warning? _ News

(1) once the torrent, responsible for the monitoring and the first found, immediately take the gongs, whistle, hand signals of alarm to the public beforehand, an early warning.

(2) village head after receiving the warning signals, using loudspeakers and other means to control all villagers warning the first time, residents should help each other, warning each other, time.

(3) disaster village (s), individuals adopted mobile phones, phone as quickly and flood control departments to report to the local government.

(4) found signs of landslides and residents in any place shall immediately send warning signals to the crowd around and found that roads, bridges and other dangerous signs, should also make a simple line, and report to the relevant departments for timely processing.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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山洪来临时如何预警? _新闻资讯





责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146


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