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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:12:32 Edit(编辑)
The Ministry of civil affairs: 2020 per thousand elderly aged 40 beds

The Ministry of civil affairs: 2020 per thousand elderly aged 40 beds(民政部:2020年每千名老人拥有养老床位40张)



The Ministry of civil affairs: 2020 per thousand elderly aged 40 beds

The Ministry of Civil Affairs Web site on July 6 announced the development of home of the 13th five-year plan (hereinafter plan), promote health and pension services combining to achieve orderly sharing of health and social service resources. Experts believe that the future layout of an integrated health and social services resources, make up the current pension industry "combined with" short Board, truly "old" and "old doctor".

Plan proposes 5 major tasks, including guaranteeing the basic livelihood of the people, the development of old-age services, improving social governance ability and level of services, strengthening national defense and army modernization construction of targeted social services.

In the field of services, the plan proposed, active in response to population ageing, accelerate the development of old-age service, fully completed home based, community based on, institutions complementary, medicine combining of multi-level old-age service system.

Specifically, the plan calls for promoting family and community services, strengthen the construction of community service facilities. New urban area and the new residence (small), constructed according to the requirements of community day care institutions, and synchronize with the residential planning and construction, synchronization acceptance, delivery. Vigorously supporting rural old-age service facilities. Deepening the reform of pension service supply side, actively supports the social forces held pension institutions. Subsidies to investment, loans, purchase of services, such as loans, operating subsidies support social forces organized social service institutions.

Reporters from the China health data from family planning Commission showed that as of 2015, people over the age of 60 in China reached 222 million, by 2020, the population over 60 years old will be 248 million, accounted for the proportion of the total population at 17.2%. Meanwhile, disability population continues to increase, the current disability (half-deactivation) at 40.23 million the total number of older persons.

But at the same time, domestic pension and medical services currently fragmented, old-age care institutions "pension does not care" medical "treatment not pension" leads is often difficult to get an adequate living for the elderly care and appropriate medical care.

"As you get older, the body functions decline, increased disease incidence in the elderly, outpatient and inpatient demand high cost medical costs more. "Experts told the economic information daily, a reporter said," frequently older people receive medical treatment, the health service needs of significantly above the population average, 79% or older have at least one chronic disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, chronic respiratory disease and other difficult to cure, need continued treatment and rehabilitation after discharge diseases. A person over the age of 65 accounted for expenditures of the lifetime medical costs of about 70%. ”

On integrated development of the plan proposed, overall health and social services resource distribution, supporting medical service of the pension agencies. Focus on the development of combined medical institutions, increase conservation, medical pension hostels, improve the effective supply of services. By 2020 every thousand elderly pension bed number reached 35-40, including nursing bed no less than 30%.

It is understood that the international and "combinations" is similar to "long-term care" concept. WHO defined as "non-professional caregivers (family, friends, or neighbors) and professionals (health care and social services personnel) nursing care system to ensure that people who cannot take care of themselves can continue to receive a high quality of life, receive the greatest possible independence, autonomy, participation, personal satisfaction and dignity. ”

Last November, nine ministries have jointly issued a combined to push forward with healthcare and pension services, Shanghai, Qingdao and many have relevant policies soon, by top design to promote "combined with" development. In this plan, the hospital also was further refined by such eligible in accordance with the regulations and basic medical insurance, basic medical insurance appointed agency signed a service agreement, elderly people staying in-place treatment of insurance claims. Encourage pension institutions and peripheral medical institutions to carry out various forms of cooperation agreements. Strengthening the Geriatric Hospital, rehabilitation hospitals, nursing homes, hospice care institution-building. Encouraging medical institutions to extend care to families and old-age care institutions, rural and urban communities.

Also, choose to have medical conditions, representative of the area combined with the pilot, planning and construction of a number of distinct, strong model combined with pilot projects. Implementation of telemedicine service information for the benefit and pension institutions cooperation pilot projects, and promote the wise conservation development.

In fact, local practice, the hospital has achieved good results. In the first pilot, the most integrated city, Qingdao City, Shandong province, for example, local health planning department head told the economic information daily, journalist, Qingdao through purchase of services of the household over the age of 60, in the form of "three noes", the low-income elderly aged care. Meanwhile, encourages tertiary public hospital restructuring for older hospitals, nursing homes or to open an elderly care unit, providing combined medical service, forming clear, clear division of medical service system, 18 hospitals to achieve transformation. In addition, the first set up nursing insurance system in Qingdao City, urban workers ' basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents and Medicare insured into a pay range, full coverage for long-term care insurance, about 8.03 million people, all come from the health insurance fund of funds.

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-07-07 01:52:40












  事实上,从地方实践来看,医养结合已取得良好成效。以国内最先试点、融合程度最深的城市山东省青岛市为例,当地卫生计生部门负责人告诉《经济参考报》记者,青岛市通过政府购买服务的形式对本市户籍60岁以上 “三无”、低保老年人提供居家养老服务。同时,鼓励二、三级公立医院转型为老年医院、护理院或开设老年专护病房,提供医养结合型医护服务,形成层次清晰、分工明确医养结合服务新体系,18家医院实现转型发展。此外,青岛市首批建立起护理保险制度,城镇职工基本医保和城乡居民医保参保人全部纳入支付范围,实现长期护理保险全覆盖,约803万人参保,资金全部来源于医保基金。

(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-07-07 01:52:40

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