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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:12:15 Edit(编辑)
Serious soil pollution in China, Hebei villages disease frequency

Serious soil pollution in China, Hebei villages disease frequency(中国土壤污染严重,河北部分村庄怪病频发)



Foreign Media: China Hebei villages soil pollution | soil pollution _ frequent disease news

Information: soil pollution

West media said reference news, July 7, in the North of Hebei da Ying Cun, close to have "leather city" title of xinji city where is has over 4000 residents in Maoying village. There is a vast open-air dumps, piled up around hundreds of special factory made out of waste. Because of the smell, the villagers dare open a window, to contaminated drinking water and they had no idea how many times. A villager surnamed Wang said, "a lot of people have rare diseases, and even people who get cancer at a young age. ”

Spain El Pais Web site July 5, end of May day morning, three trucks came to da Ying Cun of xinji city, Hebei province, taking advantage of the dark, load the truck "goods" dumped into a nearby ditch, until it was discovered and is close to, the people who fled to escape. No one knows for sure what things in the water pipes. But a month later, still can smell a mixture of chemicals in the air.

Pungent smell of villager Zhang Yachun (sound) planted two years ago, nearly 200 poplar all die, only cut down for firewood. Next to a piece of land owners, farmers laobian (sound) squatted on the edge tears, he worried about this as all sources of income of the members of his family may harvest wheat, because irrigation water from the canals.

Da Ying Cun of 1500 people living the villagers did not know who was responsible for all of this. Near the village is the chemical factories, steel mills and tanneries.

Reportedly, it is regrettable that, these are not isolated cases. Soil pollution in China has become a and air pollution as a serious problem.

China's Ministry of land and resources in 2005, a survey was carried out between 2013 and 2014 released some of the findings. The results show that China's national total points exceeded the rate of 16.1%, farmland has a bit rate of 19.4%. Sewage irrigation area has more than 3.3 million ha. Soil pollution caused by various reasons, including the plant's toxic waste emissions, effluent irrigation or excessive use of pesticides.

Reports say, but the reality may be even worse. Critics, be detected in 1500 the area 10,000 soil samples in point is not how representative, does not take into account the possibility of all toxic chemicals. Land regeneration Association Gao Chengda (sound) pointed out that there are 300,000 to 500,000 hectares of soil were contaminated.

After 3 years of preparation, the Chinese Government announced on May 31 that the soil pollution prevention action plan, which is already water and air pollution prevention and control plans adopted by the supplement. Soil pollution prevention plans by 2020 national primary containment of soil pollution trends. By 2030, the soil environmental quality in the country for the better. By 2050, the comprehensive improvement of soil environment quality.

Reports said, but the plan also exposed some problems. Into the new soil pollution control laws before the adoption of the plan are also not really implemented. Ministry of environmental protection environmental planning expert Wang Xiahui soil protection acknowledged that "2014 survey accuracy is not high, we need more exact data." Experts hope to completed by the end of 2018 investigation of all the arable land pollution.

Reported that the full implementation of the plan is a costly task. Gu Qing, a researcher at the China Environmental Science Research Institute involved in the planned Island (voice) pointed out that State-owned and private sectors might formed a partnership.

Reported that, most importantly, see local government as responsible for the plan of implementation of the scheme. Jiang Zhuoshan of Greenpeace pointed out that, given the magnitude of soil pollution, may be the biggest challenge for the local Government of talents with professional knowledge of the equipment. (Compile/Wang Meng)

Source: references

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Soil pollution

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外媒:中国土壤污染严重 河北部分村庄怪病频发|土壤污染_新闻资讯


  参考消息网7月7日报道 西媒称,在河北大营村以北靠近拥有“皮革之都”称号的辛集市的地方,是有着4000居民的锚营村。那里有一个巨大的露天垃圾场,堆放着周边数百家特殊工厂制造出来的废弃物。由于气味难闻,村民们不敢开窗,对饮用水被污染他们也投诉了不知道多少回。一名王姓村民说,“很多人都得了罕见的疾病,甚至也有年纪轻轻就得癌的人。”












责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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