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published in(发表于) 2016/7/5 9:50:55 Edit(编辑)
ICloud pornographic hacker pleaded guilty and face up to 5 years in jail,

ICloud pornographic hacker pleaded guilty and face up to 5 years in jail,(iCloud艳照门黑客认罪,最高面临5年牢狱之灾,)



ICloud pornographic hacker pleaded guilty and face up to 5 years of jail-scandal, iCloud-IT information

A hacker named Ryan Collins in 2014, made big news because he invaded more than more than 100 iCloud and a Gmail account, but also includes many entertainment stars account, steal a lot of private photos and videos. Time, "iCloud pornographic" dominated the tech headlines. In March this year, Collins was United States Department of Justice alleged violations of the computer fraud and abuse Act (Computer Fraud & Abuse Act), and subsequently was sentenced to 18 months ' imprisonment by the Court.

However, the invasion of celebrities iCloud account not just Collins. Wei Feng network aware, United States Department of Justice has released another hacker invasion iCloud account being charged messages. The hacker named Edward Majerczyk, from United States, Illinois, his modus operandi is similar to Collins, all by sending a fake Apple email to obtain the victim's information. This time, the involved accounts of more than 300, and there are quite a few celebrities.

However, the United States Department of Justice and did not release the victim's list. As with Collins, Majerczyk has not been charged with deliberately leaked the photos. United States Department of Justice said in a statement: "the investigators did not find any evidence that Collins really leaked these pictures, or his share or upload information. "It is understood that, if convicted, Majerczyk faces up to 5 years ' imprisonment.

iCloud艳照门黑客认罪,最高面临5年牢狱之灾 - 艳照门,iCloud - IT资讯

一位名叫Ryan Collins的黑客在2014年搞了个大新闻,因为他入侵了100多个iCloud以及Gmail帐号,而且还包括多名娱乐明星的帐号,窃取了大量的私人照片和视频。一时间,“iCloud艳照门”占据了各大科技媒体的头条。今年3月,Collins被美国司法部指控违反计算机欺诈与滥用法案(Computer Fraud & Abuse Act),随后被法院判处18个月的监禁。

然而,入侵名人iCloud帐号的并不仅仅是Collins。威锋网了解到,美国司法部近日公布了另一名黑客因入侵iCloud帐号被遭到指控的消息。这名黑客名叫Edward Majerczyk,来自美国伊利诺伊州,他的作案手段与Collins类似,都是通过发送伪装苹果官方邮件来获取受害者的登录信息。这一次,牵涉到的帐号超过300个,而且也有相当一部分名人在内。


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