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published in(发表于) 2016/7/4 11:02:29 Edit(编辑)
Global aircraft series crash, Airbus intends to let the black box to learn new skills,

Global aircraft series crash, Airbus intends to let the black box to learn new skills,(全球客机接连失事,空中客车打算让黑匣子学新技能,)



Global aircraft series of crashes, learns a new skill-Airbus Airbus intends to let the black box, black box-IT information

Beijing time on July 4, according to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reported that whenever an accident, investigators always takes a lot of effort to search for the black boxes, so as to identify the causes of the disaster, but a flight data can automatically be transferred to "the cloud" store recorder will allow investigators from this trouble.

At present, Inmarsat, a satellite company has developed the technology to be installed in his jet and Airbus. It is well known that, in recent years, passenger plane disappeared over the ocean in global cases.

This black box can send real-time data via satellite to the flight control center, this means that after the accident, investigators will soon be able to find out what happened on the plane.

Sketch of Inmarsat technology

For now, investigators will take several days, even several weeks to find the black box, if the accident occurred in the sea or in remote areas.

Such as the disappearance two years ago of the Malaysia Airlines Airbus MH370, the black box until now have not been found.

While traditional black box carries signals to help staff make it easier to find, but its battery can only last one month's time.

Inmarsat said Airbus in its A320 and A330 jets installed in this one for the SwiftBroadband-Safety Service.

Safety and operation of Inmarsat services Senior Vice President Mary McMillan, said the system will help enhance flight safety, reduce the occurrence of accidents. This system can send a variety of information in real time, such as the coordinates of the aircraft, cockpit communications, machine condition, the pilot's actions, as well as the weather and the fuselage in the sensor information and so on.

McMillan also revealed that exception occurred if returned data is found, the technology also allows the ground personnel on the flight to intervene, so as to avoid accidents.

全球客机接连失事,空中客车打算让黑匣子学新技能 - 空中客车,黑匣子 - IT资讯









Inmarsat的安全和运营服务高级副总裁Mary McMillan表示,这套系统将帮助提升飞行的安全性,减少事故的发生。这套系统能够发送各种实时信息,例如飞机的坐标、驾驶舱通信、机内状况、飞行员的动作以及天气和机身传感器中的信息等等。


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