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published in(发表于) 2016/7/4 11:02:12 Edit(编辑)
China travel electric mess: fake Land Rover’s day out,

China travel electric mess: fake Land Rover’s day out,(中国代步电动车乱象:山寨路虎一天出炉,)



China travel electric chaos: cottage Land Rover's day out-electric scooter-IT information

On July 4, in recent years, there have been an increasing number of small Scooter on the road, the car exterior styling resembles the car, but many smaller than the car. Although the scooter looks compact and convenient, but there are considerable security risks.

The scooter are known as "old Scooter", in fact it's only business name for the legal boundaries, is a commercial name in the laws and regulations of traffic management and traffic control, there never was "old Scooter" and defines the concept of. The scooter also have been called "burning tour bus", "low-speed electric vehicles".

In fact, the scooter was driven by production companies secretly concept confusion, illegal production, sale and illicit Assembly of three-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle in this product line, a fake "Land Rover" can be baked in a day. After the scooter factory, in the case of an unlicensed unlicensed road, even on the highway. In other words, known as Scooter, is actually three electric vehicles.

According to the lawyer, in the country's automotive products not on the list of "electric elderly Scooter" such a product, only in the medical field with speed control 5 to 10 km/h, power tool that helps elderly people slow-moving cars, but these cars do not run on road. In reality, the scooter will not only charge can burn oil, are up to 100 kilometers per hour.

中国代步电动车乱象:山寨路虎一天出炉 - 电动汽车,代步车 - IT资讯





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