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published in(发表于) 2016/7/3 6:08:53 Edit(编辑)
Israel slammed Facebook as monsters, called on the people to the small bar complaint

Israel slammed Facebook as monsters, called on the people to the small bar complaint(以色列抨击Facebook是怪兽,号召民众向小扎控诉,)



Israel slammed Facebook as monsters, called on the people to the small bar-complaint-Facebook, Zuckerberg-IT information

Israel Internet Security jilade·aierdan (Gilad Erdan) Saturday on Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) criticism, saying Facebook did not take adequate preventive measures to stop Israel's provocative and jeopardize Israel Police work.

Israel has previously claimed that Facebook was used to incite attacks. Israel Government draft legislation is being drafted in order to ask Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social networking sites remove contents that incite terrorism.

As a cabinet member of the Netanyahu Government, Ai Erdan said this is particularly worthy of attention. He said Zuckerberg should be responsible for policies of Facebook. He called on Israel citizens on every possible occasion to show Zuckerberg claims, namely, Facebook platform should be monitored.

Facebook Mission in Israel spokesman, said the company would not comment on the remarks.

Told Israel channel 2 interview, Ai Erdan said: "Facebook has brought positive change to the world, but unfortunately, since its ISIS and the rise of terrorism, Facebook has become a monster. ”

"At the moment, Facebook is against Israel Police work, because when Israel Police to contact them, Facebook is not compatible with. Delete inflammatory content, Facebook sets a very high standard. ”

Since last October, after a series of street violence, the Palestinian side has killed 34 people Israel citizens and two visiting United States citizens. Israel killed at least 201 Palestinians. Israel, in which 137 people were perpetrators of violent attacks, while others were killed in the clashes and protests.

以色列抨击Facebook是怪兽,号召民众向小扎控诉 - Facebook,扎克伯格 - IT资讯

以色列互联网安全部长吉拉德·艾尔丹(Gilad Erdan)周六对Facebook及其创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)提出批评,称Facebook没有采取足够的预防措施,阻止针对以色列的煽动性内容,妨害了以色列警方的工作。







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