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published in(发表于) 2016/7/2 6:23:04 Edit(编辑)
United States woman threatened to kill Stephen Hawking: was sentenced to prison for 4 months probation

United States woman threatened to kill Stephen Hawking: was sentenced to prison for 4 months probation(美国女子威胁杀死霍金:被判囚禁4个月缓刑,)



United States woman threatened to kill Stephen Hawking: was sentenced to prison for 4 months probation-hawking-IT information

One United States woman threatened to kill United Kingdom renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking in Spain was imprisoned four months suspended. The 37-year old woman has also been requested within 18 months near the hawking within 500 meters or in social media to communicate with him. The woman was in Spain was arrested in Tenerife, close to Professor hawking to a meeting place. She followed the hawking to Spain before tracking him in the social media.

Spain media, Professor hawking's daughter told the police, threatening massive influx of information prior to hawking's social media accounts and his email.

Spain media disclosed the names of the woman, Jenny? Teresa c (Jenny Theresa c). When she told her hawking Stamos to kill him. The Festival is the Nobel Prize winner and renowned astrophysicist and musician.

Police found her with a map, records hawking schedule movements on the island. After the seizure, she told police she loved Stephen Hawking would not hurt him. Police said all the cases showed that the mental instability of the woman.

This is the first time Professor hawking encounters such a threat. Spain police have stepped up security measures against Professor hawking.

Spain media reported that Professor hawking delivered a lecture entitled, "my short history." He predicted that due to the Earth's fragile human existence on Earth is no more than 1000 years.

美国女子威胁杀死霍金:被判囚禁4个月缓刑 - 霍金 - IT资讯



西班牙媒体披露了这名女子的姓名,珍妮?特里萨C(Jenny Theresa C)。她告知霍金她要在斯塔莫斯节的时候杀死他。参加这个节日的都是诺贝尔奖得主以及音乐家和著名天体物理学家。




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