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published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:25:34 Edit(编辑)
Google’s latest report on staff diversity: 91% whites and Asians, Afro-2%,

Google’s latest report on staff diversity: 91% whites and Asians, Afro-2%,(谷歌最新员工多样性报告:91%白人和亚裔,2%非洲裔,)



Google's latest report on staff diversity: 91% whites and Asians, Afro-2%-IT-Google News

IT information news on July 1, starting in 2014, Google began publishing employee diversity data, since a number of technology companies to follow, Google on Thursday released its latest data on staff diversity report.

Report notes that Google has more black, Latino and female employees than previously, but it has not risen. In 2015, the white Google United States District employee is 59%, the proportion of people of Asian origin for 32%,2% for African-Americans, 3% Spain 3% of mixed race descent, groups, less than 1% for the native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.

In 2015, the proportion of woman in Google employees was 31%, up 1% from 2014; women in technical staff accounted for 21%, up from 19% by 2014.

Google said that while the proportion of ethnic minority staff has not increased, but more numerous, in 2015, for example, Google has 880 black employees, far higher than the 628 people by 2014, according to data the company last August, Google in 2015 in the United States totals 38,670 employees.

谷歌最新员工多样性报告:91%白人和亚裔,2%非洲裔 - 谷歌 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月1日消息,自2014年起谷歌开始发布员工多样化数据,此后多个科技公司效仿,周四谷歌发布了最新的员工多样化数据报告。




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