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published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:25:24 Edit(编辑)
Easy to return to activity-filled final, 6.53 million users top 6 billion,

Easy to return to activity-filled final, 6.53 million users top 6 billion,(易到充返活动收官,653万用户充值60亿,)



Easy to return to activity-filled final, 6.53 million users recharge for 6 billion-to-IT information

On July 1, a few days ago, lasted 7 months "100% back-filled activities" came to an end, officials said in 227 days of active period, recharge some 6.53 million users, the cumulative amount exceeding 6 billion yuan. From July 1, the user can still get cash back in to recharge, but it became 50% and, in addition, has been trying to present its products to charge users.

Senior Marketing Director, Hu Xulei: "on November 17 last year '100% back-filled ' activities, a total of more than 6.53 million people, total amount of recharge more than 6 billion yuan, average amount of recharge 918, complex charge rate of up to 67.4%. ”

Such help to half a year to complete as founder and Chairman Jia Yue Ting as easy to develop "Japanese added millions of new order, added millions of new drivers, vehicle" sangebaiwan goals. Easy to travel across the founder said, 227 days depending on the help of the past to "revive".

In this round of back-filled activities, presented to a lot of music depending on the products to prepaid users, including: Le Super TV, over 100,000 units, letv superphone over 200,000 music ecosystem members nearly 300,000, and nearly 100,000 other hardware.

On June 21, had held a news conference to announce the "car-sharing eco" new strategies and corporate branding from "easy to use" changed its name to "easy". Hu Xulei said that from July 1, will start a new "ecological back-filled" activities: easy to charge a certain amount will return in accordance with 50%, Le super video, will also give Member, letv Mall cash coupons, Super Sport membership product.

Easy to return to activity-filled entrance ( click here to participate ), cash back at 50%.

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易到充返活动收官,653万用户充值60亿 - 易到 - IT资讯









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