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published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:25:09 Edit(编辑)
1109 Carat prices of nearly 600 million Yuan: the world’s second-largest diamond auction,

1109 Carat prices of nearly 600 million Yuan: the world’s second-largest diamond auction,(重1109克拉叫价近6亿元:世界第二大钻石流拍,)



1109 Carat prices of nearly 600 million Yuan: the world's second-largest diamond auctions diamond auction-IT information

Local time on June 29, more than a century discovered the largest diamond in the world since the original stone at the Sotheby's auction in London. However, due to the high price, 1109-Carat (221.8 grams) white diamond auction.

This tennis ball sized gems from last fall in lucala diamond company in Botswana's diamond mines were discovered, and is named "Lesedi La Rona" in Tswana is "we shine" means.

In May this year, lucala diamond companies have by way of private deals, selling for $ 63 million was a 813-carat rough stone, set a record of about $ 77,500 per carat. According to this reference, lucala company had expected this 1109-carat rough diamond stones fetch up to $ 86 million.

But in fact, the public auction the highest bid of the night for only $ 61 million, or even below the minimum price set by the seller, and against all the unexpected, the diamond rough auctions.

重1109克拉叫价近6亿元:世界第二大钻石流拍 - 钻石,拍卖 - IT资讯


这颗网球大小的宝石于去年秋天在卢卡拉钻石公司位于博茨瓦纳的一个钻石矿被发现,被命名为“Lesedi La Rona”,在茨瓦纳语中是“我们的光芒”的意思。



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