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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:18:03 Edit(编辑)
These are technology companies, San Francisco Gay Parade is so beautiful,

These are technology companies, San Francisco Gay Parade is so beautiful,(这些科技公司,让旧金山同志的大游行变得如此美丽,)



These are technology companies, San Francisco Gay Parade is so beautiful-gay, Google, Facebook-IT information

In recent years, United States, Florida, Orlando gay bars Pulse just had a serious shooting incident, the dead and injured hundreds. The lives of LGBT groups, values and orientation of freedom, is the second most serious threat, and 70 's of the last century of gay AIDS panic youguozhiwubuji. But this year's SF Pride, both demonstrators and the audience is not less than in previous years, it was particularly gratifying.

In this one, the vital role of the Corporation. Size hundreds of Airbnb, Uber, Apple, Google and Facebook the parade, there will be screams and cause twisting body music rhythms to where-today, technology support to SF Pride. Every day 365 days a year, the Corporation has always called on the whole society to treat equality and inclusion of LGBT groups, put down the hate, love each other's Vanguard. On the initiative of technology companies, was founded in 1970 and gradually evolved since SF Pride is now the world's largest LGBT parade, has also become a symbol of LGBT groups, affirmative action and other groups.


Technology companies are no longer participating in the SF Pride marched in alphabetical order, Airbnb has been a main sponsor, is the first technology company in March.

Airbnb floats into a mirror-like reflective metal housing, with a DJ and dancing between men and women.

Last year, Airbnb's slogan is #Host with Pride, hope the owners accept LGBT people, very creative and very warm, but also encountered some resistance forces. SF Pride this year's official slogan is "For Racial and Economical Justice" (for racial and economic justice), this slogan also reflects the situation of Airbnb. It's online House sharing service, San Francisco as well as the United States suffered in other cities banned.


Apple parade has always been a technology company in the largest number.

As in previous years, out in the open the Apple CEO Tim Cook took part in this year's SF Pride, but did not appear in the parade (or low key was not found ... ... ), But the preparation phase before the procession starts with people posing for a few photos.

Although the owner did not appear, but Apple employees were in the procession this year has earned: everyone got the limited edition rainbow-colored Apple nylon Watch strap. Apple employee told me in the procession, the strap is exclusive, not buy outside ... ...

Limit straps


Google's parade this year greatly reduced compared with previous years new, people look for a robot dog that won't show up, the whole team has nothing unique to offer sets, a float with a large group of people to walk, zhentianxiang DJ music.

Parade with Pride the words were written in various languages, Chinese is the "swagger". This float is not last year's high, also has a large screen on the car last year.

But Google has an advantage is one more teams pulled more than 100 meters long.

Google brother, getting on on the parade route, I touched him and ran to the front of me pulls up his pants to ... ...


Design software company Autodesk, parade, people are a lot, we are very happy.


Veteran software company Salesforce, procession called the Outforce (out)


Uber parade is also very busy, couldn't miss his home March activities?

Uber's slogan is #LoveMovesUber. Running on the road, all is love.


Recent favorite live Facebook Live little tied, was not present at the SF Pride--this year he posted on Facebook photos of themselves in March, it was the year before ... ...

This is Facebook floats this year, but you like the familiar thumbling button:


Lyft software to their parade cars by taxi with a colorful painting.


Admittedly, SF Pride has been held up for too many years, annual demonstrations to keep up looks more and more like a year. But careful thought, if one day such parades have been bored, we don't need to hold, isn't that why today walking in Market St all people on the parade route, the things you want to achieve?

When more and more people are able to accept LGBT, when more and more people can be proud to show their different and love to those people and their different, isn't that the ultimate form of world peace?

Why Orlando gay bars just a shooting, people are still proud and fearlessly at the SF Pride? Love and pride is the answer.

这些科技公司,让旧金山同志的大游行变得如此美丽 - 同性恋,谷歌,Facebook - IT资讯

就在不久前,美国佛罗里达州州奥兰多的同性恋酒吧Pulse刚刚发生了严重的枪击事件,死伤者过百。LGBT群体的生命安全、价值和取向自由,正在面临第二次最严重的威胁,与上世纪七十年代的同性恋艾滋恐慌时有过之无不及。而今年的SF Pride,无论是游行者还是观众都不比往年少,这让人格外欣慰。

在这其中,科技公司的作用至关重要。人数规模成百上千的Airbnb、Uber、苹果GoogleFacebook游行队伍,走过哪里就将尖叫和引人扭动身躯的音乐节奏带到哪里——今天,科技公司对SF Pride的鼎力支持。在一年365天的每一天中,科技公司一直都是呼吁全社会对LGBT群体平等和包容对待,放下仇恨,用爱凝聚彼此的先锋部队。在这些科技公司的倡导下,创始于1970年逐渐演变至今的SF Pride现在是全世界规模最大的LGBT游行活动,也成为了LGBT群体以及其他群体平权运动的象征。


参加SF Pride的科技公司不再按照字母顺序行进,但Airbnb一直是主赞助商,也是第一个出现的科技公司游行队伍。


去年,Airbnb的口号是#Host with Pride,希望房主接纳LGBT人群,虽然很有创意也很温馨,却也遭遇了一定的抵制力量。今年SF Pride的官方口号是“For Racial and Economical Justice”(为了种族和经济公平),这个口号也反映了Airbnb的境遇。它旗下的在线房屋共享服务,正在旧金山以及美国其他城市遭遇取缔。



和往年一样,公开出柜的苹果CEO库克参加了今年的SF Pride,却没有出现在游行队伍里(或者是比较低调没被找到……),只是在游行开始前的准备阶段跟人合影了几张照片。

虽然老板没露脸,但今年参加游行的苹果员工还是有赚到:每个人都拿到了限量版彩虹色尼龙Apple Watch表带。参加游行的苹果员工告诉我,这个表带是独家的,外边买不到……















最近无比喜爱用Facebook Live直播的小扎,今年却没有出现在SF Pride的现场——别看他在Facebook上发了自己在游行里的照片,那是大前年的……





不可否认,SF Pride已经举办了太多年,每年的游行示威跟上一年看起来都越来越像。但仔细一想,如果有一天,这样的游行活动已经无聊到了不需要再举办,那不正是今天行走在Market St游行路线上的所有人们,所希望实现的事情吗?


为什么奥兰多同志酒吧刚发生枪击案,人们却依旧自豪和无惧地出席SF Pride?爱和骄傲,是答案。

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