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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:17:24 Edit(编辑)
By vanke expulsion removed, several big brother voice to support Wang Dan,

By vanke expulsion removed, several big brother voice to support Wang Dan,(遭万科驱逐罢免,多位大佬发声力挺王石,)



By vanke expulsion removed, several big brother voice to support Wang-Wang Shi, China vanke-IT information

The morning of June 26, Wang Shi through your circle of friends denounced "China resources that used to rely on and trust, denial of vanke's management in conjunction with hostile takeover," expressed real disappointment and indignation. That afternoon, after following the wanke out voted against the restructuring plan, Bao (the first shareholder of China vanke) call for extraordinary general meetings, recalled Wang Shi, Yu Liang almost all Directors.

Although the "Wan, Bao, China" three-staged the war continue for some time, causing all these discussions and numerous waves. But vanke's management was to abdicate, Wang dismissed such a situation, we have seen many bosses aligned, and shore up troubled China vanke and Wang Dan.

Li guoqing: help for shareholder relations said to Wang's technique is so bad

Dangdang CEO Li guoqing tweeting today speak for Wang, he said: since more than 10 years ago on the Forum, I rebut Wang once he shoulder and I each entrepreneur's annual meeting just nodded. Some pontificating about his laugh because he read too little. The treasure, debate between CR and Wang Shi, I couldn't help but to Wang Dan said a few words: 1, Wang, Chairman of the shareholder have likes and dislikes and expressing them, does not mean lack of respect for the capital. 2, Wang Bao-boss value contempt is not equal to the King of private capital is not respected. Wang hoped that State-owned enterprises, natural vanke's largest shareholder, is spent ', does not mean State-owned capital-kissing. 3, Western institutions, Chairman of the Board is semi retired, but also East and West Wang vanke image endorsement, year 10 million in revenue, is not high. 4, Wang Hetian is their private affair, which I did not see the King's private problems, but the public resent this, vanke is negative, can Wang Dan and the team that year for reforming the bigger picture at the expense of equity, we don't ask for a semi retired people to love. 5, the skills in handling shareholder relations are too bad.

Luo Yonghao: light is the main melody of our time

Hammer technology CEO Luo Yonghao said in Twitter early this morning, read all the news and reviews, and filled with emotion. Wang is one of China's most outstanding entrepreneurs, vanke is the best real estate company in China, no one. Wang as a founder of vanke, then forced to give up shares, is the tragedy of the times. "He was beaten"? Maybe, who knows, but "he's just a wage-earners"? Qhxbnnkfvs, light is the main melody of our time.

Xiaobo Wu: "flooding the King movement" history of Chinese tragedy

Financial writer Xiaobo Wu believes, now CR and Po levying this "King drive" campaign is a tragedy in the history of Chinese enterprises. Because in this case I don't see any action is undertaken and progress, was a naked plunder.

He spent with high ratings, while vanke questioned the cleanup, he said: "in corporate governance since the reform and opening up, China vanke is undoubtedly the most health and one of Sun's enterprise over the past few years Wang Dan himself and Yu Liang team in terms of operating performance and no major mistakes or to be accused of wrongdoing. So big stockholders using the power manager class for a full cleaning, which is a very rare thing in the history of the company in the world, will be recorded in the history of Chinese enterprises. ”

Qin Shuo: a person in, never out

The former newspaper editor, is currently the "Qin Shuo friends" Qin Shuo, founder believes that Wang would not incriminate others, is a person playing. Meanwhile, Wang Dan is the King of the spirit of China's real estate industry, he was never "out".

He showed that if still doubts that the treasure is before a hostile takeover, this time, remove any Director's behavior is evident. This is a banner of improved corporate governance, in fact, bad money drives out good money, provocations, and I believe that this approach will not succeed. If that failed, that China's market economy, construction of business for decades, is white. CR gave the impression, it takes minimal effort, maintain the status of the largest shareholder, with little strategy. Vanke is today's crisis, China resources to blame.

Liu Deke: Wang Dan, lost was a relief

Deco, Xiaobo Wu channel its public property channel partner Liu Deke, in view, for Wang to lose this war, is a relief. "He used to create the vanke, once a model of corporate governance in China. ”

Liu Deke thinks, vanke's model this model is is because there is no boss, Chairman of the full powers to travel still flourish, to enable continuous and bold young man, not turns out to human relations within the enterprise, Sun transparency of the system, not to bribe ... ... All of this, I'm afraid none of vanke, China's enterprises dare to say to do better than higher.

"Treasure" competition between disputes Combs: (micro-signals from QL, y channels)

1, long, vanke's largest shareholder is China resources holding about 15%, the "positive non-intervention" in company policy.

2, August to December last year, Bao (ex-sea life + huge manpower) after many placards as vanke's largest shareholder, has been holding above 24%. During the CR Zeng Zeng 0.34% interest to resist, apparently useless.

3, on December 17, vanke Chairman Wang Shi said in a speech which does not welcome the Po could become the largest shareholder. The next day, vanke shares were suspended (to date).

4, then big brother across the mere chanting of empty words on both sides, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the SFC, the CIRC, COFCO out frequently.

5, in March this year, vanke said, we find the restructuring program! CRC is a rare turn: without discussing with me, I'm angry!

6, on June 17 this year, vanke announced restructuring plans: purchased additional shares of former international 100% owned by Shenzhen Metro. After the issuance, Shenzhen Metro will receive shares of vanke 20.65%, became the largest shareholder, China resources, Po stake will be diluted.

7 June 23rd night, treasure and CRC have issued bulletins, opposed to vanke's restructuring plans.

8 June 26th, Po proposed the convening of the general meeting of shareholders, ousted Wang Shi, Yu Liang almost all Directors.

遭万科驱逐罢免,多位大佬发声力挺王石 - 王石,万科 - IT资讯





















5、今年3月,万科公告说,我们找到了重组方案!华润却罕见地翻脸:都没跟我商量,I'm angry!




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