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published in(发表于) 2016/6/26 5:49:40 Edit(编辑)
3,000 yuan a month living expenses of female college students spend enough, even stealing classmates 7 computers,

3,000 yuan a month living expenses of female college students spend enough, even stealing classmates 7 computers,(女大学生每月三千元生活费不够花,连偷同学7台电脑,)



3,000 yuan a month living expenses of female college students spend enough, even stealing a classmate 7 female students in computer-computer-IT news

Zang a beautiful college student life rich, Jiangxia district, recent cash-strapped, no source of income she had stretched out his hand, and even steal a classmate 7 laptop, hidden under the mattress, not a courier it to reveal the game away.

Since June 17, Zang a women's dormitory at the University from the spate of laptop theft. When the police investigation, June 19 at 9 o'clock in the evening, students reported to police station, girls yellow plastic box under a bed found in three laptops with dubious origins.

? Frame-independent

Wei Jie arrived at the scene of the police investigation, Hwang's bedding and found two laptops. In response, Hwang denied, arguing that he had no knowledge, is certainly his classmates pranks. Later, police found in a drawer a list of mailing two laptops Express.

Police contact with the buyer, turns out to be a buyer for 2900 Yuan from Huang ordered on a computer. Computer and Huang, a student dorm was stolen computers are very similar, later confirmed was the same computer.

In fact, Hwang admitted theft. The investigation, Huang is 20 years old, family conditions and parents give her 3000 Yuan a month pocket money. But she likes to buy brand-name handbags, cosmetics and so on, almost every month to make ends meet, recently had to reach for the theft, and contact buyers trucks on the Internet. Until the time of the incident, had stolen 7 laptop.

At present, Huang had been detained.

女大学生每月三千元生活费不够花,连偷同学7台电脑 - 女大学生,电脑 - IT资讯








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