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published in(发表于) 2016/6/26 5:45:32 Edit(编辑)
Chinese and Russian heads of State: individual countries seeking military a decisive advantage

Chinese and Russian heads of State: individual countries seeking military a decisive advantage(中俄两国元首:个别国家谋求军事领域决定性优势)



Chinese and Russian heads of State: individual countries seeking a decisive advantage in the military field | China Russia | global stability _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 25-People's Republic of China President and the President of the Russian Federation joint statement on strengthening global strategic stability

We, People's Republic of China President and the President of the Russian Federation, attaches great importance to the maintenance of international and regional strategic balance and stability, the following statement.

At present, negative factors affecting the global strategic stability is increasing all over the world, we are worried about this. The risk at the outset of this trend is that individual countries and military-political alliance seeking military and military-technical areas gain a decisive advantage, so without hindrance in international affairs by using or threatening to use force to realize their own interests. Their blatant disregard for principles of undiminished security for all security, attempts at the expense of security in Exchange for its own security. This policy lead to military buildup went out of control and shake the system of global strategic stability, and General and comprehensive disarmament under effective international control runs counter to the idea.

Some States seeking to acquire military advantage and the Union steadfastly refused to discuss cuts and restrictions to protect its weapons had a decisive military advantage, this is major source of global strategic balance and stability is compromised.

ABM developments in areas of particular concern. Unilateral development and deployment of strategic missile defense systems in the world of non-constructive behavior, on the international and regional strategic balance and negative impact on security and stability, as well as the development and adoption of multilateral political-diplomatic means to deal with missile and missile technology non Foundation.

Worth noting is that extraterritorial powers often pretext of imaginary reasons, deployed in Europe "shore based aegis system", or planned deployment in Northeast Asia in the Asia-Pacific region, "Thad" System. Which faces the real challenges and threats in the area of missile proliferation has nothing inconsistent with their stated purposes is also clear, and include severe damage, Russian national strategy in the field, security interests, China and Russia are strongly opposed.

Some countries developed "instant global combat systems" such as long-range precision strike weapons, could seriously undermine strategic balance and stability, trigger a new round of the arms race.

Weaponization of outer space and outer space becomes a military threat against the region is on the rise. This trend will undermine strategic stability, threaten international security. In this context, Russia placed the prevention of outer space weapons, the threat or use of force against outer space objects the treaty draft (June 10, 2014 draft update of the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva) on the basis of starting the negotiation process, to ensure non-weaponization of outer space are legally binding international agreements, is of great practical significance. Meanwhile, promoted on "no first deployment of weapons in outer space," the importance of international initiatives and political obligations. With the CPRF placed the prevention of outer space in weapons use or threat of use of force against outer space objects consistent purpose of the draft Treaty, to achieve the goal of preventing the weaponization.

Arms control is a means of strengthening international security and stability. Any measures in this area should follow the 1978 first special session on disarmament of the United Nations General Assembly signed the final documents of the basic principles of the. These principles are fully relevant. In particular, disarmament and arms control should be fair and balanced, and should contribute to the consolidation of security in each country.

Non-State actors for carrying out terrorist activities and violent extremist activity Gets the rising risk of chemical and biological weapons, was concerned. "The Islamic State" militants in Iraq and Syria several times the incident is an example of the use of chemical weapons. One way to respond to this threat is to improve the Foundation of international law. Therefore, in negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva to develop the prevention of chemical and biological terrorism Convention is of important practical significance.

The international community used to "strategic stability" as a purely military concepts of nuclear-weapon-free areas. This does not reflect the breadth of contemporary strategy and versatility. To achieve the objective of safeguarding peace and security, should be seen in a wider, broader perspective, the strategic stability as a State in international relations, its main features are:

--In the political sphere, in all countries and groups of countries should abide by international law and the Charter of the United Nations purposes and principles on the use of force and coercive measures, respect for all countries and people in the settlement of international and regional hot issues, the legitimate interests of opposing interference in the internal political life.

--In military field, all national should will military capacity maintained in guarantee national security need of minimum level; not implementation any has may was international social other members considered threat its national security, and forced its for recovery was damage of balance and take anti-business measures, similar of military construction and the established and expanded military-political League of behavior; should through active and constructive dialogue solution differences, promotion each other trust and cooperation.

China and Russia called on all members of the international community aimed at the consolidation of the world peace, security and stability of the principles as a basis for action, and is willing to work with the international community on the basis of this enhanced dialogue, cooperation and exchanges.

People's Republic of China President President of the Russian Federation

XI Jinping Fu·Fu·pujing

On June 25, 2016 Beijing (end)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
China Russia global stability

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Xinhua News Agency



  当前,影响全球战略稳定的消极因素正在世界各地增加,我们对此感到担忧。这一趋势的危险性首先在于,个别国家和军事-政治同盟谋求在军事和军 技领域获得决定性优势,以便在国际事务中毫无阻碍地通过使用或威胁使用武力来实现自身利益。他们公然无视各国安全不受减损的安全基本原则,企图以牺牲他国 安全换取自身安全。这一政策导致军力增长失控,动摇了全球战略稳定体系,与在有效国际监督下实现普遍、全面裁军的理念背道而驰。



  值得注意的是,域外力量往往以臆想的理由为借口,在欧洲部署“岸基宙斯盾系统”,在亚太地区部署或计划在东北亚部署“萨德”系统。这与导弹扩 散领域面临的实际挑战和威胁毫不相干,与其宣称的目的也明显不符,并将严重损害包括中、俄在内的域内国家战略安全利益,中俄两国对此强烈反对。


  外空武器化和将外空变为军事对抗区域的威胁正在上升。这一趋势的发展将破坏战略稳定,进而威胁国际安全。在此背景下,在中俄《防止在外空放置 武器、对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力条约》草案(2014年6月10日提交日内瓦裁军谈判会议更新草案)基础上,启动谈判进程,制定确保外空非武器化的具 有法律约束力的国际协定,具有重大现实意义。同时,推动关于“不首先在外空部署武器”的国际倡议和政治义务具有重要意义。这与中俄共提的《防止在外空放置 武器、对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力条约》草案宗旨相一致,有利于实现防止外空武器化目标。


  非国家行为体为实施恐怖活动和暴力极端活动获取化学和生物武器的危险性不断上升,令人高度关切。“伊斯兰国”武装分子在伊拉克和叙利亚多次使 用化学武器的事件就是例证。应对这种威胁的途径之一是完善相应的国际法基础。因此,在日内瓦裁军谈判会议上制定《防止化学和生物恐怖主义公约》具有重要现 实意义。



  ——在军事领域,所有国家应将军事能力维持在保证国家安全需要的最低水平;不实施任何有可能被国际社会其他成员视为威胁其国家安全、迫使其为 恢复被破坏的平衡而采取反制措施等类似的军事建设及建立和扩大军事-政治同盟的行为;应通过积极和建设性对话解决分歧,增进彼此互信与合作。


  中华人民共和国主席  俄罗斯联邦总统

  习近平      弗·弗·普京


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

中国俄罗斯 全球稳定


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