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published in(发表于) 2016/6/26 5:45:25 Edit(编辑)
China publicly confirmed for the first time communication mechanism between the two sides “stopped working“

China publicly confirmed for the first time communication mechanism between the two sides “stopped working“(中国大陆国台办首度公开证实两岸沟通机制“停摆”)



China publicly confirmed for the first time communication mechanism between the two sides "lockout" | | | Tsai 92 consensus _ news

Reference news June 26 Taiwan media say Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council to Cambodian telecommunications fraud in connection with the Taiwan people to protest the removal of city, city's Taiwan Affairs Office said June 25, Taiwan failed to verify the "92 consensus" 5·20 communication mechanism between the two sides has stopped working.

According to Taiwan "Central News Agency" on June 25, it was Taiwan authorities leader Tsai Ing-wen since taking office on May 20, Taiwan Office of the State for the first time in public or written words made clear that cross-strait communication mechanism has been stalled by the competent authorities.

Reports that involve cross-border telecommunications fraud in Cambodia's 39 suspects on both sides, the afternoon of June 24 were escorted to the County. Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council issued a press release saying, Lu Fang's move failed to heed Taiwan appeals before both sides agreed in principle not to Taiwan people deported to mainland China demands to Lu Fang expressed regret and protest again.

Reports that this city, State Council Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman An Fengshan said in response to media inquiries, the morning of 25th, after May 20, Taiwan failed to verify the "92 consensus" that reflect the "one-China" principle of the common political basis, cross-strait communication mechanism "has stopped working".

Taiwan "Central News Agency" June 25, said mainland Taiwan Affairs Office said on 25th, Taiwan failed to verify the "92 consensus" 5·20 communication mechanism between the two sides has stopped working.

The Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan legislative caucus Secretary-General Wu Bing叡 said on June 25, this is extortion, oppression of Taiwan people cannot accept, Chief Deputy Secretary of the KMT caucus in the legislature long Jiang Qichen said Tsai authorities do not recognize the "92 consensus" that we should be able to make on both sides continued to Exchange, as well as ways to solve the problem.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
92 consensus, Tsai

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  参考消息网6月26日报道 台媒称,台湾陆委会为柬埔寨电信诈骗案涉案台湾民众遭遣返大陆而表示抗议,大陆国台办6月25日说,因台湾未能确认“九二共识”,5·20后两岸联系沟通机制已停摆。






责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

国台办 九二共识 蔡英文


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