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published in(发表于) 2016/6/23 8:46:22 Edit(编辑)
Email login will push the brush face as Ali, first in China,

Email login will push the brush face as Ali, first in China,(阿里企业邮箱将推刷脸登录,中国国内首家,)



Email login will push the brush face as Ali, Ali, China's first domestic-mailbox, face recognition-IT information

On June 23, Ali today held by the mailbox by 2016, product launches, announces the industry's first "brush face" logged on to the mailbox and launched the "+Mail", "Mail+" eco-strategy.

Mailbox owner Jang ja-logo at the press conference, Ali said in the email field, at present Ali mailbox has been serving over 1 million companies, at home in the first place. Only in the past year, number of customers grew by 400%.

The so-called "brush face", namely biometrics, last year on the opening ceremony of the CeBIT exhibition in Hanover, MA shows ants Smile to Pay gold suits sweep face, as one of its payment application. This e-mail, just as its evolution in terms of convenience and safety features, and mailbox with the intention that the Ali is in the enterprise market.

It is understood that the mailbox was established in 2009 aliyun Ali was born on the 4th day, and in 2013, focuses on email; at present, Ali email clients include CITIC, the Chinese Tower, Golden clothes, hop Hing group of ants, Changan Ford and other companies.

Said to have been on the line "brush face sign" without exception occurred in the user account automatically opens, verify that the user profile structure recognition and presets have been permitted to log on successfully, realization of this feature is the first in the global mailbox.

In addition, in order to facilitate the users to edit attachments, Ali mailbox with Microsoft cooperation, realize the function of user to preview, edit email attachments anytime, anywhere. After users receive email attachments without saving to a local, online can be done through creating, storing, and sharing functions, improved ease of use.

阿里企业邮箱将推刷脸登录,中国国内首家 - 阿里邮箱,人脸识别 - IT资讯



而所谓的“刷脸”,即生物识别,去年在汉诺威CeBIT展的开幕式上,马云曾演示了蚂蚁金服的Smile to Pay扫脸技术,作为其在支付领域的应用之一。此次用于邮箱登陆,只是作为其在便利性和安全性上的功能演进,而阿里邮箱的背后用意则是在企业级服务市场。




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