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published in(发表于) 2016/6/22 8:54:00 Edit(编辑)
Taobao, publish the latest bad brand return lists, 6 appliances list

Taobao, publish the latest bad brand return lists, 6 appliances list(淘宝公布最新劣质品牌清退名单,6家电器上榜,)



Taobao, publish the latest bad brand return list, 6 appliances-Taobao listing Alibaba-IT information

IT information news on June 22, Taobao announced yesterday a group of poor quality is a permanent return of the whole network appliance products, "classic cherry", six electrical appliance brands list.

All the top brands for large household electrical appliances, including the "classic cherry" air, "KOKHNKA", "SONBOY" and "BAISENSE" brand of TV, "YOKO" washing machine, "OPAICN" heater, these six branded products failed quality testing, its full range of off the shelf products since June 21 in Taobao, and again is not allowed in this district.

Taobao, the relevant person in charge, the six brands sell flat-panel TVs, air conditioners and water heaters which quality issues, quality inspection unqualified, brands of similar products will be a permanent return of the whole network.

Taobao said since June, quality inspection unqualified, brands of similar products are network-wide permanent return, Taobao Home right, Forum business quality show subpages dedicated entrance. While Alibaba QC said that will cost hundreds of millions of Yuan each year to buy over 10yuwanjian commodity inspections on all platforms.

淘宝公布最新劣质品牌清退名单,6家电器上榜 - 淘宝,阿里巴巴 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月22日消息,昨天淘宝对外公布了一批因质量不合格而被全网永久清退的家电产品,“经典樱花”等六家电器品牌上榜。




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