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China Tencent released 2016 “Internet _“ top ten cities list: Beijing ranks first
无链式设计电动自行车:边骑边发电 - 电动自行车
尴尬!全球博物馆半数植物标本可能标错名 - 博物馆
Urgent iPhone7 save shipments, Apple stock fell for the bear unit,
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手机卡实名制后,网银账户安全需谨慎 - 号码实名制,补卡
“斯诺登第二”曝美国无人机暗杀行动 - 无人机
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盘点2015年社交网站上最棒的广告创意-“抢劫查克”计划 - 广告创意
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Tram sex maniac 2 (H) rar bag2
published in(发表于) 2016/6/22 8:53:34 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft Win10,Mobile Wallet 2.0 application United States region has been updated

Microsoft Win10,Mobile Wallet 2.0 application United States region has been updated(微软Win10,Mobile钱包2.0应用美区已更新,)



Microsoft Win10 Mobile Wallet 2.0 application United States updated-pay, e-wallet, Win10 Mobile-IT information

IT information news on June 21, IT news previously reported the Microsoft Wallet 2.0 application exposure information, this application has now pushed to United States Win10 Mobile quick preview users, wallet 2.0 highlights is that support NFC induction cover.

Consumers using the application, credit/debit card only needs to be bound, and then can begin to "brush mobile" trip to pay. In WP8 era, many Lumia models have joined NFC support, but few use, the system built-in the electronic purse store loyalty points only, in the Chinese market is not useful. NFC mobile payments in recent years under the leadership of Apple and Samsung to make progress.

微软Win10 Mobile钱包2.0应用美区已更新 - 微软支付,电子钱包,Win10 Mobile - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月21日消息,IT资讯此前报道了微软钱包2.0应用曝光的消息,如今这一应用已经推送给美国地区的Win10 Mobile快速预览版用户,钱包2.0最大亮点在于支持NFC感应支付。


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